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Internal CAT tool 8 (2,878)
Went to university but never graduated - mention this on my CV or not? 10 (20,371)
Student Users: Doubts on internship 0 (1,010)
Question: How to find an interest if you don't have one 12 (4,263)
Moving to Germany - where to start? ( 1 , 2 , 3 ... 4 ) 46 (16,634)
German - English translation. A dying industry? 10 (4,756)
State of IT translations? (it-en) And general questions 6 (10,555)
First assignment... is this legit? 12 (4,143)
A few steps to go before starting to work - advice needed 3 (2,141)
How to write effective messages for quoting? 3 (2,175)
Please give me some advices to improve my proz profil 3 (2,038)
Should I study translation...? 6 (3,750)
Help me help you: What is your biggest challenge getting established as a freelance translator? 0 (1,509)
Transition from in-house to freelance. Gameplan? 11 (3,692)
Problems Translating a book 6 (2,801)
Curriculum Vitae - Feedback 11 (3,788)
French-English translation student choosing a specialty 4 (2,284)
Choosing what to translate for sample translations 4 (2,878)
How does word count work? Help please 4 (2,307)
Test translation in a non-specialist field 12 (3,672)
Name of website 6 (3,157)
How to get started and become a full member as a student 1 (1,621)
How can I improve my skills? 3 (1,913)
Feedback on profile + questions from a beginner ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (7,994)
What can you use in a portfoilio? 4 (2,356)
Knowing Russian, Norwegian, and English, what fields should I specialize in? 7 (3,224)
Was ist bei einem deutschen Wohnsitz bezüglich der Steuer zu beachten? 1 (1,860)
How quick/slow were you when you first started out? ( 1 ... 2 ) 27 (9,032)
Future for translation industry ( 1 ... 2 ) 28 (12,273)
Advice needed on cover letter ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (7,163)
Please Help with Résumés/CVs 10 (4,281)
Breaking into the publishing industry 8 (3,241)
Lines per day? 7 (3,063)
Life with Words: A Practical Guide to Starting a Career as a Freelance Translator 0 (1,945)
How do you make a good first impression when bidding for a job? ( 1 ... 2 ) 25 (10,108)
Sending covering letters to agencies (should you include their address?) 8 (4,728)
What it takes to be a medical translator 4 (3,071)
How is the communication in between you and the client done? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 31 (12,619)
Creating new client database - what columns would you suggest? 12 (4,750)
Working as a freelance translator in Denmark 2 (2,729)
EPSO translation competition: tips for preparing & anything I should know that they don't tell me? 4 (3,530)
Another Translator/Agency CDA 1 (1,864)
Basics on writing a quote/proposal 3 (2,816)
Confidentiality agreements help 14 (4,595)
What is the most profitable language to pair with English? ( 1 , 2 , 3 ... 4 ) 59 (26,093)
Classification of areas of specialization 6 (4,120)
New to translation 3 (2,403)
Beginner questions from a recent academic ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 32 (11,698)
Help Choosing Masters Courses (EMT / non-EMT; literary vs non-literary) 8 (3,666)
Writing a translation CV with no experience ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (41,692)
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Diskusné fóra sektora prekladových služieb Otvoriť diskusiu na témy týkajúce sa prekladu, tlmočenia alebo lokalizácie
Pastey Your smart companion app Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.Find out more »
Anycount & Translation Office 3000 Translation Office 3000 Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates with the business life of professional freelance translators.More info »
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