The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlá Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
montante pillar
Montante calefactado heated windscreen/windshield
montantes centrales central uprights
Montar las cuñas de la puerta corredera con un par mínimo. " Mount the sliding door shims with minimum torque..."
Entered by: eski
mordazas Brake calipers
Motocarro three wheeler van
Motor 4 cilindros en línea de 1598 c.c. de capacidad volumétrica 1598 c.c. 4 cylinder in line engine
Entered by: Marina Soldati
motoras (In Puerto Rico) motorcycles
motores aspirados aspirated engines
Entered by: Fabricio Castillo
motores de explosión combustion engines
Entered by: portilla
motores estacionarios o semi-estacionarios stationary and semi-stationary engines
motorización engine specification
movilidad y seguridad vial mobility/movability and road safety
Movimiento de capó en toda su longitud " Movement along the entire length of the hood "
Entered by: eski
muñón de gobierno steering gear shaft/pinion shaft
muelle de relojería spring
muelles posteriores corridos displaced rear springs
muestras iniciales initial sampling
nafta super premium gas | high octane gas
nave spine spine building
naveta window handle cotter pin
número ET model/prototype development number, ET(evolución del tipo)
Neumáticos lluvia intensa extreme wet-weather tires/tyres// full wets
nivel sonoro sound level
no buscamos el servicio completo We are not looking to provide the turnkey service
NO. CVF Tax horsepower no.
nuestro público objetivo our target audience
obús valve core
oblea disc / sticker
ojo de buey sight glass
ojos de gato cat's eye reflectors
original de la casa manufacturer's original
pañete (hood) insulation pad
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
palanca cambio de luces dimmer switch lever
palanca de cambio gear shift/lever
palier driveshaft
Entered by: Bill Greendyk
paquete de chapa motor stack
par de apriete tightening torque
paral (de una motocicleta) sidestand
paramano handguard
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