The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlá Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
funcionamiento constante al límite de potencia constant operation at peak power
furgón trampilla truck / van with tail lift
furgoneta acristalada passenger van
furgoneta carrozada box van
furgoneta de chapa panel van
fusible detonador battery safety terminal
Entered by: Robert Mavros
garantía de fábrica manufacturer warranty
garras geometricas geometry hook or geometric grips
gatillo pawl
GAVILANES (MEXICO) brake/wheel cylinders
gerenciador de cargas distributor
Giro con doble cremallera Double Rack and pinion rotation (or slewing) system
Gomeria tyre centre (UK) / tire center (US)
grados finales phases
granetear to centre (a hole / holes) / to centre-punch
Entered by: Carlos Segura
grúa tow truck
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
grupo mécanico mechanical unit
grupos electrógenos generetor
Entered by: portilla
Guarnecido del techo, Guarnecidos laterales, Guarnecidos maletero trims
guia de despacho del vehiculo owner's manual
guises lights
guitarra (trasera) leaf springs
Habitáculo Cabin filter
hacer punta (y) talón move tip and heel
Entered by: Fabricio Castillo
hacerles una visita a sus instalaciones para ensenarles nuestro book to visit you at your facilities to show you our portfolio.
hebilla se atora con el portahebilla haciendo que la varilla quede mas arriba de the buckle is stuck with the buckle fastener making the rod to stay higher than
herraje (para enganche de remolque) Hardware ( for hitching trailers/trailer tow bars)
herramientas de mallado meshing tools
Entered by: Donovan Libring
herramiento de solapado lap welder
Entered by: Toby Wakely
hilo multicabos multistrand thread
Entered by: Simon Bruni
homologación approval
Hornero oven operator
huella de umbral tread, tire or track marks
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
hundimiento (en este contexto) with the body dented diagonally towards the center of the vehicle
HZ7 Climatizador automático ( frío / calor) HZ7 automatic climatizer/climate control/air conditioner (cold / heat)
identidad independiente its own unmistakable stamp
Impartición de conferencias de educación vial a los ciclistas Provision of traffic education sessions to cyclists
informe técnico de descanso detailed study of rest periods
Entered by: EirTranslations
Insp. Niveles Level Checks / Fluid Level Inspection
interacción hombre-máquina man–machine interaction (MMI) / people-machine interface (PMI) / human-computer interaction (HCI)
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