Freelance translators » angličtina -> francúzština » umenie/literatúra » poèítaèe (všeobecne) » Page 12
Below is a list of angličtina -> francúzština freelance translators specializing in translations in the umenie/literatúra: poèítaèe (všeobecne) field. Ak chcete použiť ďalšie vyhľadávacie polia, kliknite na prepojenie vpravo.
742 výsledkov (platiaci členovia
Freelance translator native in |
Specializes in |
221 |
Philippe MaillardNative in francúzština (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France)  , angličtina (Variant: UK) 
CV, resume, children’s rights, user manual, corporate, health and safety, health, survey, sustainable environment, environment, ...
222 |
223 |
Joseph NunesNative in portugalčina (Variants: Mozambican, Angolan, European/Portugal) 
technical, business, engineering, industry, oil, medicaldevices, biotech, telecom, pc, computers, ...
224 |
Translator, interpreter, books, films, immigration translator, localization, IT, proofreading, editing, engineering, ...
225 |
Mark PossemiersNative in angličtina (Variant: UK)  , holandčina (Variants: Netherlands, Flemish) 
Law, financial, economics: specialisations. Also general translations. Dutch, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian
226 |
translation, agency, interpretation, translator, interpreter
227 |
Michel MauriceNative in francúzština (Variant: Standard-France)  , španielčina (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
Interprétation, interprétariat, interprète simultané, interprétariat simultané, interprétation simultanée, interprète de conférence, interpretación simultánea, intérprete de conferencia, traduction médicale, traduction tourisme, ...
228 |
Debora BlakeNative in angličtina  , francúzština (Variant: Standard-France) 
voice-over, voix-off, locutora, doppiaggio, pubblicità, propaganda, advertising, publicité, multimedia, correction, ...
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Former export consultant
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XanthippeNative in francúzština (Variant: Standard-France) 
technical manuals (maintenance, repair, user), call to tenders, safety data sheets, instructions, software, technical specifications, product data sheets, calculation notes, ...
231 |
allemand, anglais, français, Suisse, traducteur, traductrice, traduction, IT, TI, B2B, ...
232 |
French, pharmaceutical, medical, clinical trials, sciences, technology, industry
233 |
234 |
french, english, computer, software, hardware, sport, fitness, landscape, proofreading, engineering, ...
235 |
English into French professional translator, Japanese into French professional translator, English into French freelance translator, Japanese into French freelance translator, English into French linguist, Japanese into French linguist, technical translation, quality translation, general translation, legal, ...
236 |
Anne KauffmanNative in francúzština (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) 
English to french translation, english to french translation services, Translator French to English near me, Translator French to English San Francisco, French translator, Swiss French translator, French reviewer, Swiss French reviewer, Localization QA Tester, Linguistic QA Tester, ...
237 |
SaCaMoNative in francúzština (Variant: Canadian) 
french, books, computers, software, medical, pharmaceutical, human resources, HR, communication, IT, ...
238 |
general, technical, english, french, dutch, german, manual, software, hardware, printer, ...
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Human Resources, recruitment, employment law, employee relations, career management, pay and reward, HR website, IT, software, user guide, ...
240 |
business, tourism, marketing, finance, user manuals, general knowledge, italian, french, english, italiano, ...
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Prekladanie z jedného jazyka do iného zahŕňa oveľa viac než len jednoduchú konverziu slovo-za-slovo. Prekladatelia musia dôkladne porozumieť obsahu každého prekladaného textu, a taktiež musia poznať kultúry spojené so zdrojovým i cieľovým jazykom.
S viac ako 300 000 registrovanými prekladateľmi a tlmočníkmi má najväčšiu online databázu jazykových profesionálov z celého sveta. Ak chcete vyhľadať prekladateľa, vyberte si jazykovú kombináciu alebo vyskúšajte 1,539,100rozšírené vyhľadávanie prekladateľov a tlmočníkov. Takisto môžete zverejniť prekladateľskú zákazku a získať ponuky od profesionálov.
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