The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina právo (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
Amministrazione Pubblica public administration/Bureaucracy
amministrazione statica custodianship
ammissione al passivo entertainment of a proof of debt
ammissione in concordato o amministrazione controllata arrangement with creditors or court receivership
an ... " an et quantum "
an della pretesa the existence of the claim
anagrafe tributaria tax register
anche a titolo, causa e motivo transattivo also as a final settlement thereof
anche in concorso con sé stesso even by way of self-dealing
anche in materia di falso civile also in matter of Civil False Claims
anche in via d’urgenza including on an urgent basis
ancorché la garanzia sia contestata even if the guarantee is contested/disputed
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
Anitigiuridicità e beni giuridici fondamentali - figure omogenee wrongfulness and foundamental legal assets/conceptions - standard concepts
annotamenti ipotecari mortgage annotations
Entered by: Emiliano Pantoja
annotato la pendenza della lite registered a pending action (UK)
annotazione dell\' ostatività (PC) entry noting the suspension (Civil Procedure)...
annullamento del provvedimento (TAR Lazio) Annulment of the provision (TAR -Regional Administrative Tribunal/Court of Lazio
anta a tapparella rolling shutter/rolling door
ante causam pre-trial
anticip. fax sent in advance by fax
anticipa i compensi che vengono liquidati dal Giudice The State/Public administration pays fees to Public Defender ordered by the Judge
anticipando il merito anticipating the merits (meritoriousness of the case)
anticipata via fax (sent) in advance/ahead of time/beforehand/previously by fax
Anticipazione giornalistica Press leak
anticipo transato POS advance on POS transaction receipts
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
antigiuridico illegal, unlawful.
antindennitaria anti-compensatory
anzianità riconosciuta dalla data di assunzione seniority calculated from employment date
apertura di posizione assicurativa INAIL registering for INAIL
apoditticamente categorically
apodittico/a apodictic
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
apologia di reato apology of crimes, apologia of crimes
Entered by: Sarah Weston
apostillati Stamped with an Apostille on the document
appalesa shows itself
appalto o subappalto by contract or sub-contract
Entered by: Tom in London
appartenente al Comando in intestazione belonging to the Command indicated in the heading
appellante incidentale cross appellant
appello adesivo joining appeal
appello incidentale cross appeal
appena il caso the sole or only exception
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