The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina právo (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
applicarsi il contributo unificato standard court fees will apply/will be applied
applicazione della pena a richiesta determination of penalty on demand (of the parties)
apponendo riserve subject to reservations, expressing reservations
arbitro unico sole arbitrator
Entered by: Ivana UK
archivi comuni shared catalogs / archives
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
Area Servizi Comuni Local Planning Authority
argomentazioni economiche persuasive economic persuasive arguments
argomentazioni formulate nel corso della presente trattazione arguments put forward during the present proceedings
ARIFL Regional Agency for Instruction, Training and Work
Entered by: EirTranslations
armadio cassaforte safe cabinet
armonico da padroneggiare dealt with in different ways
arresti precedents
arresti giurisprudenziali bench-warrant arrests
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
Art. 2291 cpv Art. 2291 (see relative paragraph) cpv = capo verso
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
art. 2424 bis comma 4 article 2424 (ii) paragraph 4
art. 26 del C.O. Codice delle Obbligazioni
articolare (elementi di prova) to articulate (pieces of evidence)
articolare con le memorie and substantiate through the submission of written statements
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
articolato submissions
articolato di prova formal interrogatories
articolazione in danno emergente a lucro cessante expressed as damages due to lost income
articolazione negoziale contractual framework
Entered by: Giovanni Orlando
articoli costituzione della Repubblica Articles of the Constitution of the Italian Republic
Articolo (L)/(R) Article (Law)/(Regulation)
articolo di norma relevant clause of the law
artifici o raggiri contrived or fraudulent acts
asetticamente objectively, impartially, purely, strictly
Aspettativa vs. permessi Extended leave vs. leave
Ass G Absent, Justified
Entered by: wordgirl
Ass.C. ......... Assistente Capo
Asse Ereditario estate/assets
assegnando al mezzo una ribalta assigning a loading door/bay to the truck
Entered by: Maria Burnett
assegnata a sentenza Judgment
assegnata in decisioni set down for decisions on disposal
Assegnato termine per note Deadline for brief
assegno di divorzio alimony
assemblea General Meeting of Shareholders
assemblea tenuta in forma totalitaria meeting with entire shareholding, and all directors and auditors present
asserito responsabile person stated to be the manager
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