The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina právo (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
ad esse preposto responsible (for carrying them out)
ad ettaro annuo o proporzionalmente alla frazione dello stesso Per hectare per year, or pro rata
Entered by: EirTranslations
Ad istanza dell’Avvocato ... procuratore come in atti, At the request of XXX, attorney of record herein (or: as identified in the current documents)
ad negotia e ad lites ad negotia e ad lites
ad ogni fine utile for all intents and purposes
Entered by: Giovanni Orlando
ad opera di soggetti di ciò appositamente incaricati by specifically authorised individuals
ad valvas 'at the doors'
Entered by: Ivana UK
ad. plen. plenary hearing
Entered by: EirTranslations
addebitabilità assigning responsibility for
addebitamento attribution of fault
Entered by: Alison Kennedy
addebiti di costi espressione delle funzioni di shareholder costs charged for shareholder functions
addebito fault ot blame attributable
adeguata stesura del contratto careful/comprehensive drafting of the contract
Entered by: EirTranslations
adempimenti conseguenti (for performance of) the relevant formalities
adempimenti del caso for the necessary formalities
Entered by: Kristin Kamm
adempimenti di competenza legal requirements.
adempimenti non evasi unfulfilled obligations
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
adempimenti specificatamente sanzionati dal legislatore requirements specifically put forth by the legislator
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
adempimento fulfillment / discharge
adempimento dello svolgimento everytime he fulfills his assignment / he completes his assignment / he performs ...
adespota ownerless (right)
adire eredità take possession of inheritances
Adozione Decreto Delegato Adoption of Delegated Decree ( Executive Decree)
adozione delle buone pratiche di riferimento adoption of best practices
Entered by: Giovanni Orlando
adozione di un nuovo testo di statuto Adoption of new Articles of Association
adr a domanda risponde
Adunanza camerale Hearing in Chambers
adunanza collegiale Corporate board meeting
affectio coniugalis conjugal affection
affidamenti obligations
affidamenti in economia (contracts awarded through) the negotiated procedure
affidamento custody
affidamento custody
affidamento condiviso shared custody
affidamento in concessione concession (in context)
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
Affinchè in suo nome, vece e conto, acquisti so that he purchases in his name, place, stead
affituario lessee/leasee
Affogliazione Folio numbering
affol. folio pagination or numbering
agevolazione probatoria evidentiary advantage
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