Need to lock segments with [number][full_stop]
Nadvädzujúci príspevok na vyvesovateľa: kd42
Local time: 08:54
angličtina -> ruština
Aug 1, 2024

Good day,

Is there a way to lock all segments which contain only a number followed by a full stop?
I tried Cleanup Source where I used [0-9][\.] and regex, but it locks the segments containing the number with a full stop along with other data, and the flag "Whole" is not selectable with "regex".
Am I doing something wrong?

Are there other methods?

Is this post going to be approved in 2027?
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Good day,

Is there a way to lock all segments which contain only a number followed by a full stop?
I tried Cleanup Source where I used [0-9][\.] and regex, but it locks the segments containing the number with a full stop along with other data, and the flag "Whole" is not selectable with "regex".
Am I doing something wrong?

Are there other methods?

Is this post going to be approved in 2027?

Thank you.

[Edited at 2024-08-01 19:38 GMT]

Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
Spojené krá¾ovstvo
Local time: 06:54
Člen (2014)
japončina -> angličtina
Maybe this Aug 2, 2024

kd42 wrote:
I tried Cleanup Source where I used [0-9][\.]

I always test carefully using the filter (with regular expressions enabled) in Trados itself before using Cleanup Source with a new regex. I haven't looked at this closely but maybe "[0-9]?\." or "^[0-9]?\.$" would work for you. Obviously quotation marks should not be included.


Andrus Lauringson
Andrus Lauringson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:54
Člen (2022)
angličtina -> estónčina
Solution Aug 2, 2024

1. From the main menu bar, select tab "View" - "Advanced Display filter 2.0"

2. In "Advanced Display Filter" window: select tab "Content", in field "Source", write:

3. Mark check box "Regular Expression"

4. Click "Apply Filter"

5. Click on the little square above the first segment:

6. Press Ctrl + L (or right click and select "Lock segments")

[Edited at 2024-08-02 08:26 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruská federácia
Local time: 09:54
angličtina -> ruština
Try this Aug 3, 2024


Your regex won't work because brackets are used for ranges or specific characters included in between them.
[0-9] captures single numbers from 0 to 9 only: 0, 1, ... 9, but not 13, 66 or 311.
[\.] captures either a slash or any character because the slash character doesn't work to escape the period when used between brackets. Unless escaped, the period char means any char. In other words, syntax like \. stands for the period character only,
... See more

Your regex won't work because brackets are used for ranges or specific characters included in between them.
[0-9] captures single numbers from 0 to 9 only: 0, 1, ... 9, but not 13, 66 or 311.
[\.] captures either a slash or any character because the slash character doesn't work to escape the period when used between brackets. Unless escaped, the period char means any char. In other words, syntax like \. stands for the period character only, while syntax like [\.] stands for \ (slash) or . (any character).
Characters ^ and $ mean the beginning and the end of a string. You need these characters too to instruct that you only need the strings entirely consisting of a number followed by a period. If you don't use those characters, it can also capture a number with a period among other characters or words.
Also you need to use a quantifier + that means 1 or more instances of the preciding value (range from 0 to 9 in your case). This would capture numbers like 13., 661., etc.

***This one is not exactly what you are asking for, but still you can try it too: ^[\d\W]*$
It can capture numbers with non-alphabet characters.

[Edited at 2024-08-04 04:13 GMT]

Andrus Lauringson
Local time: 08:54
angličtina -> ruština
Thanks a lot, the problem is solved Aug 4, 2024

Dear Dan, Andrus, and Stepan.
Thanks a lot for coming to help and for the advice, both general and related to my specific task.
It is so nice to see that such competent colleagues generously share their knowledge with those in need.


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Need to lock segments with [number][full_stop]

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