Copy source to target for sdlppx files
Nadvädzujúci príspevok na vyvesovateľa: Sabine Wanner
Sabine Wanner
Sabine Wanner
Local time: 06:53
Člen (2004)
taliančina -> nemčina
+ ...
Jan 2, 2019

Hi, I was seriously considering to buy cafetran espresso, but the fact that I have to bother my customer to copy source to target for me just does not solve the problem. Is there a possibility to get a translateable file without having to buy a SDL Trados license?

I can see that cafetran espresso reads the sdlppx file's source properly so why isn't it possible to copy source to target within cafetran? When I look at the XML in the editor (unzipped sdl package) of course I see that
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Hi, I was seriously considering to buy cafetran espresso, but the fact that I have to bother my customer to copy source to target for me just does not solve the problem. Is there a possibility to get a translateable file without having to buy a SDL Trados license?

I can see that cafetran espresso reads the sdlppx file's source properly so why isn't it possible to copy source to target within cafetran? When I look at the XML in the editor (unzipped sdl package) of course I see that the target segments are missing. Can't they be cretated with a "write" command?

Sorry I have not been programming myself anymore for ages - I am just wondering if it is possible to create a copy sour/target script and maybe run it outside the software. Maybe there is already something around and I am just searching with the wrong terms.

Thanks for any hint.

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
angličtina -> francúzština
+ ...
Transfer source segments to target segments Jan 2, 2019

Hello Sabine,

CafeTran Espresso does allow you to copy source to target if that's what you wish to accomplish.

Task menu > Transfer source segments to target segments

To apply this to all the documents included in an SDL Trados package, just make sure these are "glued" together in CafeTran.

Warning: This action replaces any existing content with source content in the target side.

Let me know if this is what you wanted.
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Hello Sabine,

CafeTran Espresso does allow you to copy source to target if that's what you wish to accomplish.

Task menu > Transfer source segments to target segments

To apply this to all the documents included in an SDL Trados package, just make sure these are "glued" together in CafeTran.

Warning: This action replaces any existing content with source content in the target side.

Let me know if this is what you wanted.


[Edited at 2019-01-02 07:20 GMT]

[Edited at 2019-01-02 10:13 GMT]

Sabine Wanner
Sabine Wanner
Local time: 06:53
Člen (2004)
taliančina -> nemčina
+ ...
hmmm ... maybe there is some misunderstanding Jan 2, 2019

To translate a sdlppx file cafetran espresso asks to have the source copied to target before actually starting to translate the project. At least to me it seems so (I downloaded it for evaluation). Also the online-help does not consider sdlppx files without a prior copy source to target. Therefore a sdl trados license seems to be necessary.

I hope, this explains what I mean - sorry if I was not clear enough.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Pre-segmented Studio files (projects) Jan 2, 2019

Sabine Wanner wrote:

To translate a sdlppx file cafetran espresso asks to have the source copied to target before actually starting to translate the project. At least to me it seems so (I downloaded it for evaluation). Also the online-help does not consider sdlppx files without a prior copy source to target. Therefore a sdl trados license seems to be necessary.

I hope, this explains what I mean - sorry if I was not clear enough.

I think that this applies to pre-segmenting Studio files.

I seldom receive Studio files that haven't been pre-segmented by my clients. Did you already load a real-life Studio project in CafeTran Espresso 2019?

On a side note: Clients often want to make an analysis in Studio, using any existing or empty TMs. This procedure already takes care of the pre-segmenting. So normally you should receive pre-segmented Studio files. No extra hassle for the client.

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
angličtina -> francúzština
+ ...
Segmentation for file formats created in other tools Jan 2, 2019

This is from the official knowledge base (Solutions -

Project File Formats
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This is from the official knowledge base (Solutions -

Project File Formats Created in Other Tools -

Project Managers usually send such files segmented properly with the target language specified. If you receive and open an unsegmented file, CafeTran will show the warning message. Then, please consult with your client to receive the segmented file.

This is not a case of bothering the customer, it is a case of asking that they provide a properly prepared file or package.

I have yet to receive a non pre-segmented SDL Trados file (and I often work with SDL Trados files and packages in CafeTran), but if I was to receive such a file, I would definitely consider it appropriate to ask for one.

[Edited at 2019-01-02 09:22 GMT]

[Edited at 2019-01-02 12:19 GMT]

Sabine Wanner
Sabine Wanner
Local time: 06:53
Člen (2004)
taliančina -> nemčina
+ ...
Solution that works for me Jan 13, 2019

Hi all, thank you for your help and comments. The way that works for me, without needing SDL to copy source to target (the agency won't do this, so I had to resolve) is opening the package with .zip, extracting the sdlxliff, import into DéjáVu X2, copy source to target or translate, export project, reinsert the file into the source package, open the package in CafeTran, translate or confirm all translations and export to rpx.

For now this will be the way to go. Very likely I will
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Hi all, thank you for your help and comments. The way that works for me, without needing SDL to copy source to target (the agency won't do this, so I had to resolve) is opening the package with .zip, extracting the sdlxliff, import into DéjáVu X2, copy source to target or translate, export project, reinsert the file into the source package, open the package in CafeTran, translate or confirm all translations and export to rpx.

For now this will be the way to go. Very likely I will get the license during the coming weeks.

Thanks again!!!



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Copy source to target for sdlppx files

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