Translation glossary: Film terms

Showing entries 201-250 of 374
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Nose GreaseJust what it sounds like. Used in the old trick among camerapersons to lubricate the pressure plate by wiping it along the side of the nose. 
Nose RoomWhen a subject is in profile, nose room is the space between their face and the edge of the frame, similar to Head Room. In a profile shot, nose room 
O.C.N.O.C.N. stands for Original Color Negative. It is simply your developed negative. 
One LightThe alternative to a Timed Print, a one light is a print that has not been corrected shot by shot, but shows what all the shots look like with the sa 
Optical PrintingBasically, rephotographying film frame by frame. this is a way to make a copy of a film with many more possibilities than contact printing, but, at l 
Optical SoundOptical Sound is the system used by a projector to play back sound from a film print. The sound is exposed onto the film as a clear modulating line a 
Optical TrackAn intermediate step from going from your mix master to your final print is to have an optical track struck. An optical track is photographed onto a 
OpticalsEffects produced through Optical Printing, including transitions, superimposed titles, etc. Sometimes called Optical Effects. However, anything optic 
Orange StickAn orange stick is found at the drug store for cleaning your nails. It is the preferable way to clean the gate. 
OriginalAny film, negative or reversal, that was shot by a camera, as opposed to a print or intermediate copy. The term original can be used interchangeably 
Outdated StockFilm is perishable. When it starts getting stale the dyes will shift color and the grain will build up, giving you a generally fogged, muddy and desa 
OuttakesThe footage from your workprint that is not used in your edited version. Very small bits, a few frames or as little as one frame, are known as Trims. 
OvercrankTo run the camera faster, producing slow motion. The term has survived from the time when you would crank a camera. 
OverexposureFilming a scene with more light than the emulsion of the film can easily tollerate. The image will be too light and there will be less depth of field 
P.O.V. ShotPoint of View Shot. A shot from the perspective of one of the characters, as if the audience were seeing the scene from their eyes. It is often impor 
PanA horizontal camera move on an axis, from right to left or left to right. In a pan the camera is turning on an axis rather than across space, as in a 
Paper TapeA skinny roll of tape used to tape down the ends of film when editing, called paper tape to distinguish it from splicing tape. (It should not be used 
Parallel EditingThe technique of intercutting between two simultaneous stories or scenes. 
PerfPerforations. The sprocket holes in a piece of film. 
Photo FloodA photo flood is a high power screwin light bulb that is often used in with a clamp light fixture. Photo floods are usually anywhere from 250 watts t 
PictureThe workprint, to distinguish it from the mag tracks. 
PigeonThis is a heavy round disc with a lighting stud, used to position a light on the floor, much lower than a stand will go. Basically, it is a Hi Hat fo 
PilottoneA 60 Hz reference signal recorded onto the audio tape to allow transfer to mag precisely at sound speed, used for Sync Sound filming. (In Europe in i 
PitchThis is the distance between perforations along a roll of film. Print Stock has a slightly longer pitch than camera stock. 
PixAn abbreviation for Picture used on the leader. 
Plastic LeaderThis is leader for putting at the head and tail of a print. It is, as one would guess, made out of plastic, and is more durable than Emulsion Leader 
Polyester BasePolyester base is a very durable type of film, that is virtually unrippable. Some people claim that it is harder to splice, but that is more a matter 
PracticalA practical is any photo floodtype of bulb, used within the shot, in a household lamp or otherwise visible. The term practical is sometimes used inte 
PrerollPreroll is extra time at the beginning of a sound take to accommodate the slow lockup time of some post production time code devices. 
Pressure PlatePart of the internal workings of a camera, the pressure plate is located on the other side of the film from the gate. It is a smooth, springloaded pl 
Prime LensA prime lens is one with a single focal length, wide, normal or telephoto, as opposed to a Zoom Lens, which has a variable focal length. They often c 
Print1.: A copy of another piece of film, typically made by Contact Printing. 2.: As a verb, to make a print. 
Print StockFilm used by the lab for making copies (prints). It is usually of a longer pitch than camera stock so as to be smoothly sandwiched against the camera 
Printer’s SyncThis is the offsetting of sound 26 frames earlier than picture, corresponding to the distance between the sound reader and the gate of the projector. 
Production SoundThis is the sync sound, or any other sort of wild track or room tone that was recorded at the shoot. The term is used in sound editing to distinguish 
Projection SyncSame as Printer’s Sync. 
Pull DownA transfer of sound slowed down from film speed, 24 film frames per second, to video speed, 29.97 video frames per second, which is the equivalent of 
Pull ProcessingPull processing is a special type of processing where the film is developed for a shorter time than normal, usually to make up for intended overexpos 
Pull UpThis term can be a little confusing since it has three meanings that both apply to sound. 1.: The process of offsetting the sound 26 frames ahead of 
Pulldown ClawThe pulldown claw is part of the camera movement, which advances the film from the exposed frame to the next unexposed frame while the camera’s shutt 
Push ProcessingPush processing is a special type of processing where the film is developed for a longer time than normal, usually to make up for intended underexpos 
Quarter Applesee Apple Box. 
Quartz LightCan also be called halogen light or tungsten light. A quartz light is a very bright type of light that uses a tungsten filament that is contained in 
Quick ReleaseA latching device for quickly mounting and removing the camera from the tripod. 
Quick Release ShoeThe part of the quick release that attaches to the camera is called the quick release shoe, and is inevitably worth doublechecking, as they frequentl 
Rack FocusA shot where focus is changed while shooting. Unlike a Follow Focus shot, a rack focus shot is usually done not from the necessity of keeping someone 
RankA respectable and commonly used brand of Telecine machines. The word is sometimes used interchangeably with telecine in much the same way as “Steenbe 
Raw StockUnexposed film. 
Reaction Shot1.: A shot of someone looking off screen. Used either to lead into a P.O.V. Shot (and let the viewer know that it is a P.O.V. shot), or to show a rea 
RecansLeftover film that was loaded into a magazine but (unlike a Shortend) not even partially shot, and then loaded back in the film can. Basically, it is 
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