Translation glossary: Film terms

Showing entries 101-150 of 374
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Editorial SyncA set of sync marks on picture and sound that line up at the same frame, as opposed to Printer’s Sync, where the picture and sound are displaced. Som 
EmulsionThe thin layer of silver attached to the base which, when exposed and developed, creates the film image through the areas of silver, which block ligh 
Emulsion BatchThe emulsion batch is the series of numbers on the film can the come after the Emulsion Type. When the film is made, each batch is given a number so 
Emulsion LeaderUnlike plastic leader, emulsion leader can be cement spliced. 
Emulsion TypeA film’s emulsion type refers to the composition of its emulsion, whether it was manufactured to be fast, slow, grainy, finegrained, colorful, pastel 
Estar Basea brand name for Polyester Base. 
Exciter LampA special lamp in the projector used for the playback of Optical Sound. The projector reads the track by passing it between the exciter lamp a lights 
Exposure IndexThis is the sensitivity to light of a particular type of film. It is the specific number used to measure Film Speed. Your film will list an E.I. numb 
Extension TubesThese are a handy way to turn any long lens into a macro lens for ultraclose shooting. They are hollow metal tubes that are mounted between the camer 
Eye LineEye line is the direction an actor should look offscreen to match a reverse angle or a P.O.V. shot. It is best to give the actor an actual thing or s 
Fstop The scale used to measure the size of the opening of the iris on a lens. Opening the iris wider lets in more light, and closing it down, smaller 
FadeA transition from a shot to black where the image gradually becomes darker is a Fade Out; or from black where the image gradually becomes brighter is 
Filler, Fill or Sound FillFiller is scrap film, most often used to keep a sound track running the same length as the picture, even though there is just silence. When used this 
Film CementA liquid that is actually not a glue, but a chemical that melts and fuses two pieces of film together. 
Film PlaneThe film plane is the plane of depth from the lens of the film, behind the gate, in the camera. It is also the point from where the distances on the 
Film SpeedThe sensitivity to light for proper exposure of a given film stock. This is primarily a result of the size of the silver halides in the emulsion, the 
FilterA tinted glass or small tinted plastic sheet placed in front of the lens or behind the lens in a filter holder, used to change the color rendition of 
Fixed Focal Length Lenssee Prime Lens. 
FlagThis has two meanings. 1.: It can be a large black cloth on a frame used on a shoot to keep light out of part of the composition. 2.: In the cutting 
FlareThis has two meanings: 1.: When using film on a daylight spool, the erratic pattern of raw light that washes out the beginning and end of the roll ar 
Flash Frame1.: A flash frame is a single frame that is completely clear between two shots. It occurs when the camera is stopped with the gate open, allowing for 
FlatbedAn editing machine resembling a desk with a screen in the middle. The film sits flat on plates which are threaded through the center section that has 
FlexFill A round cloth bounce card mounted on a flexible ring that can be folded up when not in use. 
Focal LengthSimply put, how wide or narrow a view the lens will provide, smaller numbers being wider and larger numbers being narrower. 
FogThis is when stray raw light has found a chance to expose you film. 
FoleyThe recording of custom sound effects during post production in the same way that dialogue is dubbed. The term comes from the name of its inventor. 
Follow FocusA shot where focus is changed while shooting to correspond with the moment of the subject (or the camera). 
Foot CandleMeasurement of light. One foot candle is the light of one candle, one foot away. Many light meters will use foot candles as a starting number, which 
Footage1.: The amount of film one has shot. 2.: The whole of the exposed film itself. 
FrameA single image (of a series of them) on a piece of film. There are 24 frames per second. 
Frame HandlesFrame handles are extra frames at the beginning and the end of every shot, the exact number will vary from one application to the next, which are use 
Frame LineThe small sliver of space between frames. This is where two shots are cut apart and joined. 
French FlagA small black metal flag attached to the camera with a positionable arm that is used to shade the lens from light in the case of a Flare (2). 
FullcoatFullcoat is Mag Stock with a layer of oxide that completely covers one side, unlike Stripe. All 16mm mag is fullcoat. 35mm is available in both fullc 
Gaffer’s TapeCloth tape specifically for use on film shoots, usually 2 inches wide in black or silver. The nice thing about gaffer’s tape is that, unlike duct tap 
GateThe opening on a camera or a projector just behind the lens, through which a single frame is exposed (in the camera) or projected (in the projector). 
GaugeThe size, specifically the width, of a film format: 16mm, 35mm, Super8 are gauges. 
GelA large sheet of transparent tinted plastic used as a filter for a movie light, or to cover a window. There are two basic types: ones that will cover 
Gobosee Cookie. 
GuillotineA type of tape splicer which uses unperforated splicing tape. 
HalationHalation is the effect that occurs when the bright areas of an image appear to softly bleed around the edges of dark areas. This is caused by light g 
Half Applesee Apple Box. 
HalogenThis is the gas contained in the lamp of a Quartz Light, which prolongs the life of the tungsten filament. Quartz Lights are sometimes called Halogen 
HandheldShooting without a tripod, but with the camera held by the cameraperson. 
Head1.: The beginning of a shot or a roll is called the head. 2.: A small round clamp, usually used in conjunction with an arm on a CStand. 3.: The Tripo 
Head RoomThe space between the top of a subject’s head and the top of the frame. Headroom must be carefully apportioned so that there is not too much or too l 
Hi HatThis is a square of plywood with a bracket attached, to which a tripod head may be added (or is sometimes permanently affixed) used for filming with 
HMIThis is a type of light. HMI stands for Halogen Metal Incandescence. HMIs are very bright, power efficient lights. They are balanced for the Color Te 
Hot SplicerA Cement splicer with an electric heater inside. The heat improves the bonding of the cement splice. Hot splicers are really not dangerously hot, jus 
House LightsYou can request “House Lights” for a print and the lab will not time your film, but print it without any exposure or color correction. House lights a 
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