Glossary entry (derived from question below)
angličtina term or phrase:
a poll
slovenčina translation:
písomné hlasovanie
Added to glossary by
May 2, 2011 13:18
13 yrs ago
9 viewers *
angličtina term
a resolution of GM shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is demanded
angličtina -> slovenčina
právo (všeobecne)
what does a "poll" stands for?
Proposed translations
5 | písomné hlasovanie | Dagmar Turčanová |
3 | tajné hlasovanie | Rad Graban (X) |
Proposed translations
6 mins
písomné hlasovanie
Poll - písomné hlasovanie
Example sentence:
Navrhnúť písomné hlasovanie môže správca alebo zástupca vlastníkov
Note from asker:
dakujem velmi pekne za odpoved, prestudovala som viacero stanov spolocnosti a stretla som sa len s tajnym hlasovanim, ale aj pisomne dava zmysel. v skutocnosti to slovo "poll" nenesie presne ani jeden z tychto vyznamov, skor by som povedala, ze pri preklade z grectiny do EN doslo k nepresnosti |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thx, je to pisomne hlasovanie"
3 hrs
tajné hlasovanie
As the first one is "show of hands", my guess would be that the "poll" in this case means "tajné hlasovanie".
Note from asker:
Well, as for me I also guess it should mean "tajne hlasovanie", although the word poll does not expressly have this meaning. It is a translation from Greek to English, I´m working with a translated version, so perhaps the original meaning has been lost in this translation :-) |
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