Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

successor in interest

slovenčina translation:

oprávnený nástupca

Added to glossary by Radovan Pletka
Aug 30, 2006 08:51
18 yrs ago
2 viewers *
angličtina term

successor in interest

angličtina -> slovenčina právo/patenty právo (všeobecne)
this action is brought by xxxx, as successor in interest to YYYY, a dissolved corporation.


Radovan Pletka (asker) Aug 30, 2006:
SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST- The term `successor in interest' means any person that acquires assets, and substantially continues the business operations, of a participant.
to mi pripada, jako by to zde platilo

Proposed translations

15 mins

oprávnený nástupca

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "DIK"
4 hrs

osoba nastupujúca do vlastníctva po YYY

A term taken from my law dictionary, no web references
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