The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina reklama / styk s verejnosou Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
galvano electrotype
gente exclusiva elite group/crowd
Entered by: EirTranslations
Gigantismo Giant Model
gigantografía gigantography
gigantografias billboards
gobo gobo
golpe seco blind embossing, blind pressing
grado de viralidad the potential for ... to go viral
Gran Corso the big parade - the big Carnival Parade
gráfica print ad
gráficos graphics
guiño wink
guiño simpático rapport, gelling, subtle friendly message
hacer predicciones a medio plazo e ir retocándolas make predictions for the medium-term and revise them....
hacer prensa to work the press / working the press
Entered by: Joaquín DONDO
hacer zapping channel Zapping
Hacerte vivir break the sound barrier
halo mágico magical aura
Hay profesiones para las que hay que tener vocación Some professions require a true sense of vocation
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
HERRERA EN ONDA HERRERA EN LA ONDA morning radio programme
historia de comunicación masiva history/accounts of mass communications
hogar-cuna fosterhome for infants
hoja de ruta road map
I + D R&D (Research & Development)
IMOP IMOP (Instituto de Marketing y Opinión Pública)
impactos televisivos TV impressions
Impresa e= 3mm Printed thickness = 3mm
inagotable inexhaustible
incógnita puzzle
incrustaciones en flash Flash embeddings
incurriendo en grave falta and [...] are seriously / gravely at fault
información contingente contingent information
informe por ola/acumulado de EGM EGM's wave/accumulation report
Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil Registered in the Trade Register
institucionales de empresas corporate advertisements
instores in-store (advertising) displays
Entered by: Emma Goldsmith
integra a personas para renovar, animar y abogar por brings people together to renew, enliven and advocate for
integrar en un avion participate in the building of a plane
intermediarios intermediaries
interrelación con el medio interaction with the social environment
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