The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina reklama / styk s verejnosou Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
cristalizarse to result in
cruzarlas... con aquellas métricas que sean determinantes cross-reference them with whichever forms of measurement are important
Cualquiera que conozca, aunque solo sea por encima... Anyone who is vaguely aware of...
Cuando termines, descubrirás escondido, un mensaje muy especial. When you finish/reach the end, you'll discover a very special hidden/secret message
cuando uno va por la 95 while driving/going down I-95
cuña radio spot, short advertisement
cuñas de radio radio ads
CUÑA DE SUELO BIAMPLIFICADAS biamplified floor wedge
curador curator
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
cursar medios send media
dando el todo por el todo para ese mar de gente giving it everything he\'d got, in front of a packed crowd
darnos a conocer to make ourselves known / to become known
darse un taco de ojo to check each other out/to check out each other's picture
data y telón data projector / digital projector and screen
datos que provienen de las fuentes propias de cada web data provided from each web's own sources
de avanzada hacia el siglo XXI on the leading/cutting edge of the 21st century
de caracter monetario monetary
de gran importancia y RECONOCIMIENTO very important and widely-known language
de la vista nace el amor love at first sight
de mayor enganche most popular elements/items
debe estar siempre la medición de resultados results should always be measured
deberá adaptarse a las motivaciones de nuestros consumidores must suit our consumers' motives
desafío país national challenge
Descalzadora low seat (convenient for changing footwear)
desde el puesto de llevador de cafés who worked his way up from coffee runner/coffee boy
despierte el deseo de comprarlo Awakens the desire to buy it
Entered by: EirTranslations
destacados (in this context) featured/special/stand out
destinan a la promocion de ventas presupuestos similares earmark similar sums for Sales Promotion as they do for Advertising
dibujante lineal line drawing artist
diferenciamos we set ourselves apart from...//our company sets itself apart...
Diplomado en comunicación empresarial Business Communication Graduate
Directoría de Comunicaciones de Olimpiadas Especiales Press and Communications Office for the Special Olympics
Dirigirnos a un público que tienen en común Focus on an audience whose common denominator
Diversificándonos Broadening out / Branching out / Diversifying
doble plana double truck
Donde hay una mujer, hay Where there is a woman, there is
dormido in a slumber
E.P.E.: Estudios Profesionales para Ejecutivos
Entered by: Reed James
eficacia pura... no afectada por sesgos effectiveness was pure and not swayed by bias/prejudice/partiality
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