The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina varenie / kuchárstvo Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
circuit consommateur Customers can easily find their way around
citrate trisodique trisodium citrate
citrouille vs. potiron pumpkin / winter squash
clam American clam/hard-shell clam
clé en dessous seam side down
clef ouverte open vents
Entered by: Mark Nathan
clin d'oeil aux douceurs chics with a nod to stylish sweets
coeur de cabillaud cod loin
Entered by: Yana Dovgopol
coeur de saumon centre-cut salmon fillet
collectivités institutions
Coller to gel
Collier d’agneau neck of lamb
commissariat général main office
complexe d'huiles oil blend
compoté à l'estragon tarragon compote
compotes allégées en sucre reduced sugar fruit compote/compote with low sugar content
Compressé de veau dit de sept heures "7-hour" pressed veal
compression de (rouget barbet) pressed red mullet
Concentrées ces huiles se dosent à 0,5% liposolubles, In their concentrated form, these oils contain 0.5% of fat-soluble substances
confire reduce/cook gently together to concentrate the flavours [here]
conserves de poisson preserved fish
copeaux de Culatello thinly sliced culatello ham
Copeaux et coulis ivoire shavings and coulis of white chocolate
Coque périgourdine ...Crust with-sauce-foie-gras
Entered by: merlrennes
coquelet poussin
corail sea urchin (coral)
corbin pommel
corolle d'artichaut Crown of artichoke
Entered by: liz askew
couper en biseaux [culin.] (veg, etc) to cut diagonally
courge violon Pleine de Naples squash
courgette boule round courgette
couvercle en tole alusi aluminium-silicon coated steel lid/cover
couvert cover
Entered by: Tony M
couverture (culinaire) coating
craquantes glacées Glazed crunchies
Craquelin de fraises Strawberry craquelin
crème anglaise custard
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
crème brûlée crème brûlée
Entered by: Steffen Walter
crème brûlée au sucre Vergeoise frais du moment et son coulis de fruits rouges freshly-prepared crème brûlée with Vergeoise sugar, served with red fruit coulis
crème caramel au beurre salé salted butter crème caramel
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