The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina varenie / kuchárstvo Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
bullé glacé chilled vegetable soup
Entered by: Alina Barrow
Cabillaud façon tartiflette Reblochon (cheese) and cod bake
cac=cuillère à café teaspoon
Entered by: Tsogt Gombosuren
Café Laurent Coffee \"Café Laurent\"
Calcium calcium (chloride) bath
Entered by: Trinh Do
canard étouffé smothered duck [à la Rouennaise]
canettes cans/canned drinks
canons organoleptiques organoleptic standards
Entered by: Paula Price
capitaine en bellevue dressed threadfin
caramel d'epices spiced caramel
carottes tige carrots with tops
Carré d’Esturgeon de la Gaspésie cuit sur peau skin-on Gaspé sturgeon fillet
carré de veau 6 côtes manchonnées 6-rib rack of veal, trimmed in the French style
casse ferrique iron haze
cassolette lutée [individual ceramic serving dish, sealed with a pastry lid] (NB: verb 'to lute' exists in English)
Entered by: Tony M
cébettes spring leeks
Entered by: Mark Nathan
côté chair skin(-)side up
côte de veau bouchère veal rib steak
cœur de noix de veau centre cut cushion/noix of veal
ce menu est disponible à l’assiette each dish is available à la carte / separately
cellule de refroidissement blast chiller
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
cellule positive industrial refrigerator >32F
cercle décalé supérieur circle with a raised edge
charcuterie delicatessen meats/prepared meat or pork products
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
chariots à glissières et de service trolley racks and service trolleys
Entered by: Jennifer Baldwin
Chartreuse de tourteau Chartreuse of Crab
Entered by: Alexandra Duckitt
Chèvre Caillé Fresh goat's cheese, just set
chèvre chaud en croûte hot goats cheese in pastry
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Checker Prix Christianne Pricing checked by Christianne
Entered by: Vladimir Dubisskiy
chef de cuisine head chef / chef de cuisine
Entered by: David BUICK
Chef de partie froide puis second de cuisine could be...
cheminée (open) hearth / open fireplace
chiboust Chiboust
chinés unearthed
chinoisée passed through a sieve
chip chips
choten choten (pig head and onions)
chou en darée buttered cabbage
chou fermenté sauerkraut
ciboulette chives
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