The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina varenie / kuchárstvo Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
Beignets de jambon façon tartiflette du NORD Ham fritters, northern tartiflette style
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
Chartreuse d' aile de raie Skate Wing Chartreuse
crème liquide single or whipping cream (UK: depending on indended use)
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
en écaille de chorizo with chorizo slivers/flakes
Grecque de Légumes Vegetables à la Grecque
jus d\'abattis giblet gravy/jus/sauce
pitchoulines rôties roasted picholines
"île flottante" leave it in French, with a few words of explanation if absolutely necessary
"JET" pâte à foncer "JET" shortcrust pastry mix
"la tradition de la batteuse" threshing (day) celebration/threshing days
"manche" vs. "anse" handle(s)
"Transparence" Clearly delightful crunchy dark chocolate and pineapple
'Publi-reportage' Advertorials
(carottes) en jardinière Carrots "en jardinière"
(cuisson) à l’étuvée quick-braising
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
(faire suer) à blanc fry until translucent
(Sole) de petit bateau Freshly caught (sole)
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1 sachet de sucre vanillé 1 sachet vanilla sugar / 1 tsp vanilla extract
75 moules PG 75 little cake tins
accompagnement canaille pauper's platter/dish or "canaille" accompaniment
accueillant désormas pres de cent couverts par service which now handles around 100 covers per service
agneau de lait confit grillé roasted confit of suckling lamb
ajouter de l’eau à égalité des fruits add enough water to reach the top of the fruit / Add just enough water to come up to the top of the fruit
Aller et Retour de St Jacques Flash-fried scallops
alouette "olives," paupiette; mullet rolls
amandes émondées blanched almonds
Amuse bouche du moment today's amuse-bouche
amuse-bouche amuse-bouche
aneth dill
Entered by: Susana Magnani
anguilles au vert eel in a green herb sauce
Appareil congolais Congolese rock mixture
Entered by: Lara Barnett
appétits fresh herbs
Appellation d'Origine designation of origin
après vapeur after pressure has been reached
Entered by: Mark Nathan
Aragula tiédie à l’huile d’avocat warm arugula salad with avocado oil
Entered by: Lany Chabot-Laroche
arbitre les élégances are a tasteful mixture of
armoire froide (Reach-in) refrigerator
art de la table et du service table and service arts
artisans et restaurateurs chocolatiers, pastry chefs and restaurateurs
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
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