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About the constant AI training job posts.
Nadvädzujúci príspevok na vyvesovateľa: Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Člen (2010)
angličtina -> portugalčina
Oct 2, 2024

Dear colleagues of all language pairs. Since the advent of creative AI, we've been getting these job posts here on ProZ that are actually for AI training.

Even though I think AI in translation is and will remain more of a tool for translators than a replacement, I do think that it has the potential to damage the translation market, driving down our rates, increasing demands for unreasonably faster turnaround times, and hurting the quality of source texts. Not to mention that it does
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Dear colleagues of all language pairs. Since the advent of creative AI, we've been getting these job posts here on ProZ that are actually for AI training.

Even though I think AI in translation is and will remain more of a tool for translators than a replacement, I do think that it has the potential to damage the translation market, driving down our rates, increasing demands for unreasonably faster turnaround times, and hurting the quality of source texts. Not to mention that it doesn't help us all that much, compared to our latest MT suggestion technologies.

It reminded me of how Netflix completely ruined local video stores without really replacing them. You can't find as many movies and TV shows, some of them are only partially available, some of them are available only for some time due to licensing limitations, not to mention how things are spread out across different platforms, and you would have to sign up several of them to actually watch everything you wanted to watch. It's just worse in many ways. Not to mentioned the high churn of low quality original shows, half of which are cancelled, anyway. This is just to illustrate how an innovation can hurt or destroy a market without actually replacing or improving it. That said, AI _is_ a threat.

And then, we have these constant posts for AI training jobs here on ProZ, of all places, a place that is supposed to promote our industry. My point is that AI training jobs are not translation jobs, and they are a threat to us, translators who are paying members of this very platform where those jobs are being posted. I get those literally almost every day, and it's starting to piss me off, frankly. By the way, AI training is not translation, and it's not even a profession, and this is not Fiverr, Upwork or whatever. This is ProZ.

I'm curious how other people feel about these constant AI training jobs. I think they shouldn't be allowed on this platform because (A) they are not relevant/not translation, and (B) they are a threat to us, the "ProZ". And ProZ should take a stand on it.

Let me know your thoughts!

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Joshua Parker
Kirk Jackson
Philip Lees
Sabrina Bruna
Agnès Flandin
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosna a Hercegovina
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> chorvátčina
+ ...
Who is to blame Oct 2, 2024

It wasn’t AI who drove the rates down, it was our colleagues.

Try to pressure lawyers and dentists into this, and you’ll see what will happen.

Yolanda Broad
Helena Chavarria
Kirk Jackson
Barbara Turchetto
Dan Lucas
Nina Snoj
Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Člen (2010)
angličtina -> portugalčina
That is a different conversation Oct 2, 2024

On an individual level, sure, we all should draw a red line at a certain rate and we should all reject AI training offers, but the fact is that it's not realistic to expect that everybody did that. That's why we need rules, but that's a different conversation.

This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Kirk Jackson
Sabrina Bruna
Renée van Bijsterveld
Barbara Turchetto
Agnès Flandin
K. Isaac
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosna a Hercegovina
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> chorvátčina
+ ...
No, it’s not Oct 3, 2024

Javi Tazinafo wrote:

On an individual level, sure, we all should draw a red line at a certain rate and we should all reject AI training offers, but the fact is that it's not realistic to expect that everybody did that. That's why we need rules, but that's a different conversation.

This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

It’s not, it’s related, it’s all one big circle of relatedness. The whole industry has been swallowed by AI (check the other threads) so I am not sure I understand why you are surprised. Non-AI jobs can’t be posted here if there aren’t any. AI jobs are posted as it’s a “new trend”.

Jobs with zero job descriptions, scammers who post fake jobs just to get a hold of your CV, translators who write scripts to override automated systems and draw all jobs to themselves, underqualified translators, this type of things shouldn’t be here either, but they still are.

[Edited at 2024-10-03 09:12 GMT]

P.L.F. Persio
Melanie Gómez Chacón
Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2020)
francúzština -> holandčina
+ ...
Why? Oct 3, 2024

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

I'm not interested in those jobs, but from a neutral point of view: why shouldn't they be allowed? As far as I know AI training is some sort of editing of existing translations and as such translation-related.

Melanie Gómez Chacón
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> nemčina
+ ...
ProZ should not dig its own and our grave Oct 3, 2024

Javi Tazinafo wrote:

Dear colleagues of all language pairs. Since the advent of creative AI, we've been getting these job posts here on ProZ that are actually for AI training.

Even though I think AI in translation is and will remain more of a tool for translators than a replacement, I do think that it has the potential to damage the translation market, driving down our rates, increasing demands for unreasonably faster turnaround times, and hurting the quality of source texts. Not to mention that it doesn't help us all that much, compared to our latest MT suggestion technologies.

It reminded me of how Netflix completely ruined local video stores without really replacing them. You can't find as many movies and TV shows, some of them are only partially available, some of them are available only for some time due to licensing limitations, not to mention how things are spread out across different platforms, and you would have to sign up several of them to actually watch everything you wanted to watch. It's just worse in many ways. Not to mentioned the high churn of low quality original shows, half of which are cancelled, anyway. This is just to illustrate how an innovation can hurt or destroy a market without actually replacing or improving it. That said, AI _is_ a threat.

And then, we have these constant posts for AI training jobs here on ProZ, of all places, a place that is supposed to promote our industry. My point is that AI training jobs are not translation jobs, and they are a threat to us, translators who are paying members of this very platform where those jobs are being posted. I get those literally almost every day, and it's starting to piss me off, frankly. By the way, AI training is not translation, and it's not even a profession, and this is not Fiverr, Upwork or whatever. This is ProZ.

I'm curious how other people feel about these constant AI training jobs. I think they shouldn't be allowed on this platform because (A) they are not relevant/not translation, and (B) they are a threat to us, the "ProZ". And ProZ should take a stand on it.

Let me know your thoughts!

I fully agree. The AI training jobs posted here, on top of it all, pay peanuts. They are menial, sweatshop jobs beneath our and this platform's dignity.
This platform should not allow activites that harm the professionals and the professions they allegedly represent and promote.

Sabrina Bruna
Anne Maclennan
Christel Zipfel
Becca Resnik
Maria Rosa Fontana
Javi Tazinafo
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> nemčina
+ ...
the difference Oct 3, 2024

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

I'm not interested in those jobs, but from a neutral point of view: why shouldn't they be allowed? As far as I know AI training is some sort of editing of existing translations and as such translation-related.

The difference is in the purpose of these activities.

Sabrina Bruna
Anne Maclennan
Becca Resnik
Javi Tazinafo
Christel Zipfel
P.L.F. Persio
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosna a Hercegovina
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> chorvátčina
+ ...
Joint purpose Oct 3, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

I'm not interested in those jobs, but from a neutral point of view: why shouldn't they be allowed? As far as I know AI training is some sort of editing of existing translations and as such translation-related.

The difference is in the purpose of these activities.

They also share a purpose: find a competent, educated translator to fix a mess (human or machine-made) at an extremely low rate. That’s the ultimate purpose.

In my view, they took translators’ temperature even before AI and saw how much they were willing to “bend”. It could have easily been tested by the amount of editing jobs (of human translations done by underqualified humans) everybody was willing to take (and at what price). Now don’t be surprised it got to this point.

[Edited at 2024-10-03 13:12 GMT]

P.L.F. Persio
Miranda Drew
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Člen (2010)
angličtina -> portugalčina
AI training is not AI post-editing Oct 3, 2024

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

I'm not interested in those jobs, but from a neutral point of view: why shouldn't they be allowed? As far as I know AI training is some sort of editing of existing translations and as such translation-related.

Putting aside what it does to our market, no, it's pretty different from translation. It's like responding to constant surveys about what the AI found as a solution to a given scenario, and then they run different scenarios with different surveys. It's just as thrilling as it sounds. The only reason a translator would want to do that is if they're desperate and running out of translation jobs. And the same goes for any profession, really.

Lieven Malaise
Christel Zipfel
Giovana Zaltron
P.L.F. Persio
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Miranda Drew
Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2009)
angličtina -> nemčina
+ ...
means and purposes Oct 3, 2024

Lingua 5B wrote:

Zea_Mays wrote:

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
This conversation is about AI training job posts flooding this platform. My point is they shouldn't be allowed here.

I'm not interested in those jobs, but from a neutral point of view: why shouldn't they be allowed? As far as I know AI training is some sort of editing of existing translations and as such translation-related.

The difference is in the purpose of these activities.

They also share a purpose: find a competent, educated translator to fix a mess (human or machine-made) at an extremely low rate. That’s the ultimate purpose.

That's not the purpose, it's the means to an end. The end/purpose is replacing you.

Javi Tazinafo
David Mossop
P.L.F. Persio
Michael Bunn
Daiana Nosiglia
Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Člen (2010)
angličtina -> portugalčina
What's ProZ stance on this? Oct 3, 2024

Lieven Malaise wrote:

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
Has ProZ said anything publicly about this? If not, I think it's time they did. Is there any way to draw one of their representatives directly to this post?

You can be sure that they will read this. You can be less sure that they will reply (still waiting for an answer, after 3 previous attempts, about whether the Pastey app comes with privacy issues or not).

Has ProZ said anything publicly about this? If not, I think it's time they did. Is there any way to draw one of their representatives directly to this post?

[Edited at 2024-10-03 15:23 GMT]

Lieven Malaise
Lieven Malaise
Local time: 15:30
Člen (2020)
francúzština -> holandčina
+ ...
They will read it Oct 3, 2024

Javi Tazinafo wrote:
Has ProZ said anything publicly about this? If not, I think it's time they did. Is there any way to draw one of their representatives directly to this post?

You can be sure that they will read this. You can be less sure that they will reply (still waiting for an answer, after 3 previous attempts, about whether the Pastey app comes with privacy issues or not).

Javi Tazinafo
ibz  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:30
angličtina -> nemčina
+ ...
Good luck Oct 3, 2024

Javi Tazinafo wrote:

Has ProZ said anything publicly about this? If not, I think it's time they did. Is there any way to draw one of their representatives directly to this post?

Good luck with that! Judging by my experience with AI critical discussions, you won't get any answer by ProZ representatives. I am always very annoyed by such job offers as well, which keep coming in more and more. Why on earth would a serious translator be interested in doing such boring work, which in my opinion has nothing to do with professional translating? I really don't understand it. ProZ will neither comment nor take action against such postings, though, because money is made from them (I assume).

Javi Tazinafo
Christel Zipfel
P.L.F. Persio
Anne Maclennan
Yasutomo Kanazawa
Valentine Elleau
Javi Tazinafo
Javi Tazinafo  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:30
Člen (2010)
angličtina -> portugalčina
I would not be surprised Oct 3, 2024

As a company, they have an incentive to stay away from controversy. If they don't answer, it's because they think we wouldn't like the answer, which in and of itself tells it all. Silence is a statement.

We'll see what happens.

The same goes for the Pastey issue. If they don't answer, guess what? There's your answer.

[Edited at 2024-10-03 15:52 GMT]

Tanya Quintieri
Tanya Quintieri
Local time: 15:30
Pastey does not use your data Oct 3, 2024

Hi everyone, I was not aware of any questions regarding privacy issues with Pastey. If you need to know anything about Pastey, you can either submit a ticket or reach me directly via [email protected].

To answer your question: Pastey itself does not pose any danger to your data. It's just an interface that connects you to different LLM.

As long as you use the standard API by ProZ (and don't enter your own API), you sh
... See more
Hi everyone, I was not aware of any questions regarding privacy issues with Pastey. If you need to know anything about Pastey, you can either submit a ticket or reach me directly via [email protected].

To answer your question: Pastey itself does not pose any danger to your data. It's just an interface that connects you to different LLM.

As long as you use the standard API by ProZ (and don't enter your own API), you should be good to go according to the LLMs' terms and conditions. Pastey uses ProZ's enterprise licenses with these LLMs.

ChatGPT (see first paragraph): https://openai.com/enterprise-privacy/
Claude (see A.4, last sentence): https://www.anthropic.com/legal/commercial-terms
Gemini (see 5th paragraph): https://cloud.google.com/gemini/docs/discover/data-governance

Hope that answers your questions.

PS: Always use AI tools with discretion and never submit any PII, no matter what their terms say.

Lieven Malaise
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About the constant AI training job posts.

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