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Reflections on 2017, my first $US 100,000+ year from translation
Nadvädzujúci príspevok na vyvesovateľa: Dylan J Hartmann
Jiayin Jenny Zheng
Jiayin Jenny Zheng
Spojené štáty
Local time: 07:10
Člen (2014)
čínština -> angličtina
The rates Feb 6, 2018

Well, besides the fact that other translators aren't getting enough volumes, they probably not charging as much as well - probably due to the fact that they are not a Native English speaker, or they are not licensed, or both. We know how much you made last year, you have posted how many words you have translated, a simple calculation will do the job.

If I am in your shoes, I would charge as much as you do in your language pair as well. It's not easy for an English speaker to master
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Well, besides the fact that other translators aren't getting enough volumes, they probably not charging as much as well - probably due to the fact that they are not a Native English speaker, or they are not licensed, or both. We know how much you made last year, you have posted how many words you have translated, a simple calculation will do the job.

If I am in your shoes, I would charge as much as you do in your language pair as well. It's not easy for an English speaker to master an Asian language, especially a small Asian language. There are just not many teaching resources; lots of it was motivated self-learning and hard work. It's not easy for a Native English speaker to pick up all those attributes when there is easy English-teaching money everywhere... just saying...

[Edited at 2018-02-06 06:05 GMT]

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:10
francúzština -> angličtina
buying and renting Feb 6, 2018

DJHartmann wrote:

Hamish Young wrote:

Not sure if it works differently in Australia, but certainly I found here that banks will deviate from their official policies if you give them enough reason to.

It all comes down to tax return statements here. Even though I could provide years of Thai bank statements, I need to provide an Australian tax return. As we just returned last year, still haven’t stayed a full tax year and am readying myself for the big bill.

However, still wondering if it’d be worth it. We’re in a suburb where 3 bedroom houses are all over $A1.3 million. I’m only paying $A26,000/year to rent and my office is downstairs. We picked a suburb based on the public school for our kids (best in state) and proximity to the city. If we were able to buy a house, we couldn’t afford here and we’d surely have to send them to private schools instead, costing an extra $A20,000+/year.

I will keep putting the extra $$ aside and may one day have enough!

Buying is more of a long-term thing. We finished paying off our mortgage just as our son was preparing to study abroad, so that panned out really well. Once the children are independent (if all goes well, that'll be next year) we can both let up a little and not work so hard, which is just as well now that my partner needs to go to see his elderly parents more often. If we were still paying rent, it wouldn't have panned out so neatly.

Can you not keep your children in that school once you move away?
Buying a cheaper house then having to pay for a private school doesn't sound like you'd be saving all that much money after all. Although I suppose it's a matter of how much the banks are prepared to lend you too?

Spojené krá¾ovstvo
Local time: 13:10
srbčina -> angličtina
+ ...
I hate to dumpen your enthousiam ... May 24

but if you work in a "rare/exotic" language pair and offer decent quality, earning "above average" is not that difficult.

I still remember the case of Serbian-Japanese translators / interpreters who were charging 1.000 USD a day in the '80s / '90s. Check for yourself how much is that in 2024 US Dollars.

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Reflections on 2017, my first $US 100,000+ year from translation

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