Universidad de Tarapacá UTA
Name | Universidad de Tarapacá |
Abbreviation | UTA |
Organization Type | School |
Website | https://www.uta.cl/ |
Contact Name | Mesa Central |
Contact Title | Mesa Central |
Contact Phone | ( 56) 58 2205100 |
Address | Avenida 18 de Septiembre N° 2222 Arica |
City | Arica |
Country | Èile |
Admission Criteria |
Has admission criteria.
To enter this University, it is a must to take Prueba de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PAES); from there, you get a score, and with that score, you apply to the career accredited in the educational establishment. The applications are online, and the results are published on the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) and the Departamento de Evaluación, Medición y Registro Educacional (DEMRE) websites. |
Training |
Offers training.
Credential |
Offers credential(s).
[Info] |
Fees | It depends on the career that it is chosen. However, a registration fee is payable once a year or monthly, the cost varies per year. For 2023, the price is 165,000 Chilean pesos, approximately 190 dollars. |
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