Člen od Jun '06

Pracovné jazyky:
angličtina -> hebrejčina
hebrejčina -> angličtina
angličtina -> francúzština
hebrejčina -> francúzština
francúzština -> hebrejčina

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February 2025

DG Global - DG Global
Localize to Globalize

Tel Aviv, HaMerkaz (Central), Izrael
Miestny čas: 18:51 IST (GMT+2)

Rodné jazyky: hebrejčina 
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22 positive reviews
Pravdepodobnosť ďalšej spolupráce
zo strany prekladateľa (LWA)

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(8 entries)
Last 12 months
(3 entries)
Total: 72 entries
What Daniel Ganor is working on
Dec 21, 2023 (posted via ProZ.com):  We have a huge MTPE and TR project into so many language pairs! Mostly European but also Japanese, Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese for example. ...more »
Total word count: 0

Správa od používateľa
Global communication solutions for companies all over the world
Typ účtu Profesionálny prekladateľ na voľnej nohe a agentúra / spoločnosť, Identity Verified Overený člen
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Služby Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Desktop publishing, Project management, Vendor management, Operations management
Odborné znalosti
Špecializuje sa na:
medicína (všeobecne)IT (informaèné technológie)
financie (všeobecne)výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogika
ekonómiapoèítaèe (všeobecne)
internet, e-obchodpodnikanie/obchod (všeobecne)
poèítaèe: softvérvláda / politika

Aktivita KudoZ (PRO) Body na úrovni PRO: 162, Zodpovedané otázky: 89, Položené otázky: 12
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Wire transfer
Year established 2000
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), Israel shekels (ils), U. S. dollars (usd)
Portfólio Počet ukážkových prekladov: 1
Glosáre Bus/Financial - Accounting, Complementary Glossary, Middle Eastern Food
This company Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Prekladateľské vzdelanie Bachelor's degree - Tel Aviv University
Skúsenosti Prax v rokoch: 25. Registrácia na ProZ.com: Feb 2005. Členom od: Jun 2006.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Doklady o kvalifikácii angličtina -> hebrejčina (Tel Aviv University, Israel, verified)
angličtina -> hebrejčina (Localization Certification Program, CSU, verified)
Členstvá ITA
Softvér Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Catalyst, Dreamweaver, FrameMaker, Idiom, Indesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Other CAT tool, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
Webová stránka http://www.dg-global.com/?lang=en
CV/Resume angličtina (PDF)
Events and training
Powwows attended
Profesionálne postupy DG Global podporuje ProZ.com's Profesionálne usmernenia (v1.1).
DG Global Globalize to Localize

I am the CEO of DG Global, a translation and localization company. We offer high quality and affordable translations in several fields, including business translations, marketing translations, technical translations, focusing on website and software localization in many languages.

We provide global communication solutions to companies all over the world. Through linguistic excellence, high-quality project management and the most advanced translation technology, we will help you deliver your international communications efficiently and rapidly.

Our clients include international companies such as Google, Microsoft, Nokia, Motorola, P&G, McDonald's, HP and many more.

We also provide translation and localization services to large translation companies such as VistaTEC, Verztec, Translations.com, Welocalize, and Wordbank.


We specialize in translating and localizing business communications such as Internet websites, advertising campaigns, brochures, newsletters, presentations, user manuals, press releases, articles, CDs and correspondences.
We also provide software localization services, translating applications, computer programs, video games, help files, documentation and user guides to multiple languages.

Our Translators

All our translators are professional and experienced linguists who translate into their mother-tongue and are well aware of the cultural characteristics of the target audience.


DG Global offers translations in many areas of expertise and languages such as English, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Rumanian, Chinese, Japanese, Farsi, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Greek, Indian, Urdu and many more.

Areas of Specialization

We offer a wide range of services:
Localization – website translation, software localization, computer games translation
Technical translations – electronic equipment, user manuals
Business translations – marketing translations, advertising campaigns, commercial translations and financial translations
Computer-related translations – IT, software, applications, computer programs, video games, help files, documentation, user guides
Desktop Publishing (DTP) Services - using InDesign, FrameMaker, FreeHand, PageMaker, ColdFusion, DreamWeaver, Broadvision/Interleaf, Corel, Quark and many more advanced tools

For more information, please visit our website at www.dg-global.com.

For news, tips and promotions, visit our Facebook page and click on Like.
Tento používateľ získal body KudoZ vďaka pomoci iným prekladateľom pri preklade termínov úrovne PRO. Klikaním na celkové počty bodov sa zobrazia poskytnuté preklady termínu.

Celkový počet získaných bodov: 202
Body za otázky úrovne PRO: 162

Najvyššie jazyky (PRO)
angličtina -> hebrejčina139
hebrejčina -> angličtina23
Najvyššie všeobecné oblasti (PRO)
Body v 3 ďalších oblastiach >
Najvyššie špecifické oblasti (PRO)
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sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï.8
Body v 19 ďalších oblastiach >

Ukázať všetky získané body >
Kľúčové slová: Localization, Software, websites, Technical, Electronic equipment, telecom, user manuals, Academic, Social Sciences, humanities. See more.Localization,Software,websites,Technical,Electronic equipment,telecom,user manuals,Academic,Social Sciences,humanities,education,Business Marketing,advertising,commercial,General,Magazine articles,Computers,Plays,financial,translator,translations,English,Hebrew,trados,microsoft,computer games,games,Spanish,French,German,Yiddish,Arabic,Italian,Portuguese,Romanian,Rumanian,Turkish,Japanese,Chinese,Russian,Dutch,Danih,Norwegian,Swedish,Farsi,Vietnamese,Korean,Ukrainian,Estonian,Latvian,Slovak,Slovenian,Polish,Greek,DG Global,Daniel Ganor,translate,localise,localisation,marketing,video games,software,help files,documentation,finance,financial,advertising campaigns,press releases,articles,applications,technology,trados,professional,experienced,internet,DTP,Desktop Publishing,typesetting . See less.

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Feb 2, 2024