Člen od May '11

Pracovné jazyky:
angličtina -> slovenčina
taliančina -> slovenčina
slovenčina -> taliančina
slovenčina -> angličtina
francúzština -> slovenčina

Gabriela Simonova
Slovak legal translator for 15 years

Rome, Lazio, Taliansko
Miestny čas: 06:01 CET (GMT+1)

Rodné jazyky: slovenčina Native in slovenčina
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11 positive reviews
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"Gabriela is a fantastic translator. Very talented and lovely to work with. During the long project she worked on for us, she always demonstrated a positive attitude and willingness to help. Highly recommended!" (Ketty Tirrito, Comtec Translations)


- TRANSLATOR from English, Italian and French into Slovak (and vice versa) with 15-year experience

- SWORN TRANSLATOR from English into Slovak and from Slovak into English
(appointed by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic)

- INTERPRETER - consecutive and simultaneous - English-Slovak and Italian-Slovak


With the proven experience
as an in-house translator and a seconded national expert in English
legal terminology at the European Commission I have been providing fawless
translations from English, Italian and French into Slovak in several fields for
15 years. Being a sworn translator registered at the Ministry of Justice
of the Slovak Republic is a guarantee that my clients always receive accurate,
terminologically correct and perfectly readible translations that save them
time, money and reputation.


  • law
  • EU documents
  • clinical trials and pharmacy
  • tourism
  • marketing and public opinion research


- Master's degree in English Language and Literature and History at the Philosophical Faculty of Ss. Cyrill and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia

- Trainings at the European Commission: Pharmaceutical Terminology, Economy and Economics, IT trainings (Trados), Multicultural Communication, Language trainings (Italian courses, French courses), Proofreading training


  • freelance translator, interpreter and teacher of Legal English - since 2011
  • in-house full-time translator at the European Commission in Luxembourg (3 years)
  • seconded national expert in English Legal Terminology (translator) at the European Commission in Luxembourg (2 years)
  • teacher of English Legal Terminology at the Law Faculty of Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia (2 years)
  • translator at the News Agency of the Slovak Republic in Bratislava, Slovakia (3 years)


- translation and revision of EU regulations, directives, decisions, communications, press releases, website content, speeches of commissioners, ISO norms, UN ECE regulations, international contracts and other documents for various DGs of the European Commission

- various documents for the European Investment Bank including annual reports, website content, press releases etc.

- description of medicinal products (Summary of Product Characteristics + Patient Information Leaflet) for the European Medicine Agency

- various documents for other EU bodies and agencies including the European Parliament and European Data Protection Officer

- clinical trials - patient questionnaires, instructions for various tests, clinical trial contracts etc.

- various public opinion questionnaires including Eurobarometer questionnaires and questionnaires for Google

- development of Slovak language tests for European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO)

- hotel descriptions and marketing material for Booking.com and Airbnb

- study programs and website content for Law Faculty of Trnava University

- political, scientific and showbiz news for News Agency of the Slovak Republic

- technical specifications of furniture for Techo, a. s.

- interpreting for Johnson Controls, s. r. o

- documentation for Slovak Gas Industry

- report of Robert Koch Institute on Infections

- safety data sheets

- marketing surveys for Harley Davidson and GFK

- childcare documentation for various UK social services

- court judgments

- contracts for various companies

- user manuals for various companies

- official documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.)

- cosmetic products and marketing materials for well-known cosmetic brands

- various training materials for various companies

- teaching the courses of Legal English and preparing clients for TOLES certification exam - clients include attorneys and lawyers including former Italian vice-minister of labour

I provide my CV and reference letters on request.

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Celkový počet získaných bodov: 48
(Všetky s úrovňou PRO)

Najvyššie jazyky (PRO)
angličtina -> slovenčina40
čeština -> slovenčina4
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Najvyššie všeobecné oblasti (PRO)
spoloèenské vedy20
Najvyššie špecifické oblasti (PRO)
výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogika12
potraviny & mliekarstvo12
právo (všeobecne)8
sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï.8
certifikáty, diplomy, licencie, životopisy4

Ukázať všetky získané body >
Kľúčové slová: legal translations, legal translator, Slovak legal translator, Slovak legal translations, sworn translation, sworn translator, certified translation, certified translator, European Union, law. See more.legal translations, legal translator, Slovak legal translator, Slovak legal translations, sworn translation, sworn translator, certified translation, certified translator, European Union, law, business, contract, marketing, health, medicine, pharmacy, press release, Slovak, translations to Slovak, Slovakia, Slovak to English translation, English to Slovak translation, legal, website, translation, editing, proofreading, revision, European Commission, European Parliament, employment, education, Italian to Slovak translation, French to Slovak translation, tourism, cosmetics, company documentation, test developer, English Slovak interpreting, conference interpreter, consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, clinical trials, clinical trial agreement, EU documents, judgments into Slovak, official documents, interpreting Italian to Slovak, Slovak sworn/certified translator, legal English, teacher of Legal English, law, contracts, agreements, judgements, litigations, clinical trials, EU legislation, regulations, website content, company documentation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, company policies, handbooks, Code of Conduct, annual reports, trainings, extracts from the Register of Companies, GDPR related texts, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Return Policy, ID cards, passports, birth certificates, diplomas, criminal record extracts, work permits, residence permits, court documentation. See less.