Pracovné jazyky:
angličtina -> čeština
slovenčina -> čeština

Magdalena Rezacova
Words reach people

Prague, Praha, Hlavni Mesto, Èeská republika

Rodné jazyky: čeština 
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5 positive reviews
(1 unidentified)

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Typ účtu Profesionálny prekladateľ a/alebo tlmočník na voľne nohe, Identity Verified Overený používateľ portálu
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Služby Translation
Odborné znalosti
Špecializuje sa na:
právo (všeobecne)právo: zmluva(y)
vláda / politikaturizmus & cestovanie
podnikanie/obchod (všeobecne)sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï.
výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogikanáboženstvo
žurnalistikamarketing / prieskum trhu

angličtina -> čeština - Sadzby: 0.08 - 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 - 30 EUR na hodinu
slovenčina -> čeština – sadzby: 0.05 – 0.07 EUR za slovo

All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Aktivita KudoZ (PRO) Body na úrovni PRO: 84, Zodpovedané otázky: 49, Položené otázky: 8
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Wire transfer
Prekladateľské vzdelanie Master's degree - Charles University - Institute of Translation Studies
Skúsenosti Prax v rokoch: 29. Registrácia na Feb 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Doklady o kvalifikácii angličtina -> čeština (Charles University - translation studies , verified)
čeština -> angličtina (Charles University - translation studies, verified)
Členstvá JTP
Softvér Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ABBY pdf transformer, Trados Studio
Webová stránka
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Profesionálne postupy Magdalena Rezacova podporuje's Profesionálne usmernenia.
Welcome to my profile!

I am a native Czech translator from English, based in Prague. I hold a Diploma in Translation from Charles University, the Faculty of Arts. I also hold a Legal English Certificate from the Faculty of Law and a Diploma in Religious Studies, the Faculty of Theology. I have been in the translation business for 22 years. Over that period I have developed four main fields of specialization:

• I have been working for a leading Czech news agency since 1994. On a daily basis, I have to provide timely and highly accurate translations of news from all areas of Czech political, social and cultural life, business news as well as press releases, articles and speeches.

Translating scripts of documentary films for television viewers has become my passion in recent years.
• I have translated more than 150 TV documentaries so far.
• I focus on documentaries featuring nature, prehistory and ancient history, the universe, Christian topics and extraordinary personal life stories.

In this area, I have translated:
13 spiritual growth & fiction books so far
• documents for the Czech Bishops' Conference on the occasion of Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Prague in 2009
• spiritual texts for the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, International Christian Ecumenical observance.

As far as legal texts are concerned, I specialize in translating:
• contracts, agreements, terms and conditions, memoranda, etc.
• laws, regulations, guidelines, directives, etc.
• official documents such as marriage, birth and education certificates, diplomas, licences, etc.

I'm looking forward to helping you with your translation needs!


For more information about me and my services in the Czech language please visit my website!
Tento používateľ získal body KudoZ vďaka pomoci iným prekladateľom pri preklade termínov úrovne PRO. Klikaním na celkové počty bodov sa zobrazia poskytnuté preklady termínu.

Celkový počet získaných bodov: 84
(Všetky s úrovňou PRO)

Najvyššie jazyky (PRO)
angličtina -> čeština58
čeština -> angličtina19
slovenčina -> angličtina7
Najvyššie všeobecné oblasti (PRO)
Body v 3 ďalších oblastiach >
Najvyššie špecifické oblasti (PRO)
právo (všeobecne)13
certifikáty, diplomy, licencie, životopisy9
všeobecné / konverzácia / pozdravy / listy4
internet, e-obchod4
medicína: prístroje4
Body v 10 ďalších oblastiach >

Ukázať všetky získané body >
Kľúčové slová: Czech, English-Czech translator, English to Czech translator, Czech translator, translating into Czech, translations into Czech, translations from English into Czech, English to Czech, freelance, freelancer. See more.Czech, English-Czech translator, English to Czech translator, Czech translator, translating into Czech, translations into Czech, translations from English into Czech, English to Czech, freelance, freelancer, freelance translator, professional, certificate, degree, law, legal, contracts, agreements, terms and conditions, document, documentary, documentaries, documentary films, documentary movies, TV documentaries, script, screenplay, timecoding, dubbing, government, politics, press release, news, religion, Christian, theology, spiritual growth, vocabulary, TV channel, fiction, subtitling, voiceover translation, legal translation, legal translator, legal texts, education, experienced, translation services, professional Czech translator, proofreading, revision, voiceover, dubbing, localization, CAT, DejaVu X., SDL Trados, regulation. See less.

Posledná aktualizácia profilu
May 25, 2023