Člen od Sep '09

Pracovné jazyky:
angličtina -> slovenčina
angličtina -> čeština
taliančina -> slovenčina
taliančina -> čeština
slovenčina -> taliančina

Transl. since 1991, with vast techn.exp.

Miestny čas: 22:28 CET (GMT+1)

Rodné jazyky: slovenčina Native in slovenčina, čeština Native in čeština
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80 positive reviews
(21 unidentified)

5 ratings (5.00 avg. rating)

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Typ účtu Profesionálny prekladateľ a/alebo tlmočník na voľne nohe, Identity Verified Overený člen
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Služby Translation
Odborné znalosti
Špecializuje sa na:
medicína (všeobecne)elektronika / elektrotechnika
automatizácia & robotikamechanika / strojárenstvo
automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlátechnológia (všeobecne)
poèítaèe: hardvérpoèítaèe: systémy, siete
aerokozmonautika / letectvo / vesmírIT (informaèné technológie)


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
Aktivita KudoZ (PRO) Body na úrovni PRO: 3280, Zodpovedané otázky: 1635
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Skúsenosti Prax v rokoch: 33. Registrácia na ProZ.com: Sep 2009. Členom od: Sep 2009.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Doklady o kvalifikácii angličtina -> slovenčina (Slovak Technical University (now Slovak University)
taliančina -> slovenčina (Slovak Technical University (now Slovak University)
slovenčina -> taliančina (Slovak Technical University (now Slovak University)
Členstvá N/A
Softvér Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio
Webová stránka http://www.italtrad.com
I am a freelance, Slovak mother-tongue translator with extensive technical experience. My Czech is almost native-speaker level having lived 24 years in Czechoslovakia with direct daily contact with both languages and the same goes for Italian, as I have also spent 24 years living in Italy. My close professional contact with English as a translator and technician has continued for over twenty years. I have been a translator since 1991 and the majority of topics covered in my translation work relate directly to subjects I became familiar with during my career as a test technician and programmer over a 20-year period in a wide variety of industries. As one of few freelance translators, I deliver my translations already checked by two other people, who are both native speakers: an engineer and a language specialist. My price also includes checking of any press proofs.
I offer the following services:


from ITALIAN (IT) to SLOVAK (SK) and viceversa
from ITALIAN (IT) to CZECH (CS) and viceversa
from SLOVAK (SK) to CZECH (CS) and viceversa

Areas of specialization

Particular experience

in Translations of a technical and industrial nature, such as instruction manuals and software for industrial machines and equipment and their electrical, electronic, mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic sub-systems, within the following sectors:
Automotive, Food industry
Paper production
Production and processing of metals and Machine tools/CNC
Glass manufacture and processing
Ecology and the Environment
Power generation
Automation and Robotics in general
in Translations of hardware and software manuals for the IT industry
in Translations of manuals, brochures and all technical and sales documentation in the following sectors
Household appliances
Audio-video equipment
Fashionware and shoes
Personal Safety Equipment (PSE)

and also

with Translations of texts concerning medical equipment and devices
with Translations of a commercial nature
with Translations of texts from the banking and financial sectors
with Translations of legal texts
Tento používateľ získal body KudoZ vďaka pomoci iným prekladateľom pri preklade termínov úrovne PRO. Klikaním na celkové počty bodov sa zobrazia poskytnuté preklady termínu.

Celkový počet získaných bodov: 3362
Body za otázky úrovne PRO: 3280

Najvyššie jazyky (PRO)
angličtina -> čeština1533
taliančina -> čeština819
angličtina -> slovenčina528
čeština -> taliančina259
slovenčina -> taliančina80
Body v 2 ďalších jazykových kombináciách >
Najvyššie všeobecné oblasti (PRO)
Body v 4 ďalších oblastiach >
Najvyššie špecifické oblasti (PRO)
mechanika / strojárenstvo666
automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlá396
technológia (všeobecne)376
elektronika / elektrotechnika152
právo (všeobecne)145
technológia: technologické inžinierstvo111
stavebníctvo / stavebné inžinierstvo106
Body v 70 ďalších oblastiach >

Ukázať všetky získané body >
Kľúčové slová: english, italian, slovak, czech, technical, microectronics, electronics, automotive, mechanical, electrical. See more.english, italian, slovak, czech, technical, microectronics, electronics, automotive, mechanical, electrical, computers, software, hardware, media, audio, video, automation, robotics, internet, processes, metal works. See less.

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May 12, 2023