Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

\'Sblood and \'Ounds!

slovenčina translation:

Pre Kristove rany!

Added to glossary by Dušan Ján Hlísta (X)
Feb 11, 2014 15:08
10 yrs ago
angličtina term

'Sblood and 'Ounds!

angličtina -> slovenčina umenie/literatúra jazykoveda námornícka kliatba
zrejme iba "Angláni" budú vedieť
Proposed translations (slovenčina)
5 +2 Pre Kristove rany!
4 Božia krv

Proposed translations

13 mins

Pre Kristove rany!

Shortened from God's blood. In medieval times, people would curse on God's body parts rather than breaking the third commandment (Do not use the Lord's name in vain oaths). In this case, the exclamation refers to Christ's blood shed during the crucifixion and commemorated by the drinking of wine during communion.'sblood

Abbreviation of God's wounds, with reference to Christ's wounds before the crucifixion
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agree Vladimír Hoffman : Pekne. Mne sa podarilo nájsť len to prvé. Páči sa mi aj preklad.
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agree Beata Fabova
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "tnx"
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