angličtina term
The shelterwood system involves several steps: control of competing understory vegetation, the shelterwood selection and final harvest cut. (Warnell School of Forest Resources)
The increased interest in shelterwoods for regeneration of spruce has led to an interest in how harvester productivity in shelterwood cuttings compares to productivity in clear felling. (Journal of Forest Engineering)
Forests can be regenerated by removing all but the best 40 to 60 trees and cutting the smaller, more poorly formed trees in what is called a shelterwood cut. When scattered large trees are left in a shelterwood cut, some tree species which are intermediate shade-tolerant trees such as northern red oak are favored. (Virginia Department of Forestry)
5 +1 | porastová clona | Garajova Zuzana |
4 | podrast | Michal Zugec |
Mar 11, 2010 16:40: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Mar 11, 2010 16:57: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Mar 14, 2010 17:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
May 10, 2010 17:55:
Proposed translations
Toto rozdelenie definuje i súčasný slovenský zákon o lesoch 326/2005 Z.z. V USA rozlišujú podrastový spôsob na „shelterwood“ a „seed-tree“, podľa objemu naraz vyťaženého dreva (SME)
Vplyv lanovkového sústreďovania dreva na lesné prostredie v podrastovom hospodárskom spôsobe = Influence of cableway logging to forest environment in shelterwood system forests / Peter Kováčik, Jozef Turiak, Stanislav Slanina. (Tuzvo)
porastová clona
Pri zmenšovaní tejto plochy pod určitú hranicu však okaje susedných porastov plnia podobnú funkciu ako porastová clona pri podrastovom spôsobe, čím sa klimatické extrémy zmierňujú. (LESY Bratislava)
konzultácia s lesným inžinierom