Glossary entry (derived from question below)
angličtina term or phrase:
business incubator
slovenčina translation:
Podnikateľský inkubátor
angličtina term
business incubator
Business incubation is a dynamic process of business enterprise development. Incubators nurture young firms, helping them to survive and grow during the startup period when they are most vulnerable. The goal of business incubators is to produce healthy firms that create jobs and wealth, strengthen the economy, commercialize new technologies and revitalize communities. (
At the business incubator, we have been serving the needs of business owners for almost 20 years. We offer coaching, training, seminar and administrative support services to help grow existing businesses and kick start new business ideas. (Northern Alberta Business Incubator)
Your contribution supports the small business incubator itself, which cannot be maintained and improved solely with rents charged to its emerging business owners. (Cincinnati Business Incubator)
4 +2 | Podnikateľský inkubátor | Michal Zugec |
Oct 26, 2009 15:35: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Oct 26, 2009 16:10: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Oct 29, 2009 16:56: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Oct 29, 2009 20:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Podnikateľský inkubátor
Pri dosiahnutí stanoveného cieľa sme využili dotazník, ktorý sme predložili firmám sídliacim v Inkubátore Malacky.Diplomová práca pozostáva z troch kapitol. Prvá kapitola je zameraná na problematiku regionálnej politiky. Vysvetľujeme v nej pojem regionálneho rozvoja a regionálnej politiky. Zaoberáme sa dôvodmi existencie regionálnej politiky a opisujeme jej nástroje, ktoré slúžia na rozvoj regiónov. Druhá kapitola je zameraná na vysvetlenie fungovania podnikateľských inkubátorov. (Diplomová prááca)
Technické vybavenie podnikateľského inkubátora v Kráľovskom Chlmci pre poskytnutie služieb MSP Technical appointment of the business Incubator in Kráľovský Chlmec for the SME`s support services (Phare)
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