Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

all-trans-retinol (atROL)

slovenčina translation:

all-trans-retinol/all-trans-retinal ? >

Added to glossary by Maria Chmelarova
Sep 19, 2008 12:55
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
angličtina term

all-trans-retinol (atROL)

angličtina -> slovenčina medicína biológia (biotechnológia, biochémia, mikrobiológia) Mikrobiológia
(vytvára sa v očiach cicavcov)
Change log

Sep 25, 2008 17:33: Maria Chmelarova Created KOG entry


Igor Liba Sep 19, 2008:
pridal som túto poznámku len kvôli súvislosti s predchádzajúcimi otázkami
Rad Graban (X) Sep 19, 2008:
I know nothing about the thing (just searching around as got nothing else to do), but I've seen somewhere that "all-trans-retinal" is changing somewhere along the way after reacting with something to "all-trans-retinol"
Igor Liba Sep 19, 2008:
all-trans-retinal : The visual cycle is the enzymatic pathway by which all-trans-retinal from photoreceptor bleaching is isomerized to 11-cis-retinal in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) for visual pigment regeneration
Peter Kissik (asker) Sep 19, 2008:
Prosím, celá veta: In one aspect are methods for reducing the formation of all-trans-retinal in an eye of a mammal comprising administering to the mammal at least once an effective amount of a first compound having the structure of Formula (I):
Maria Chmelarova Sep 19, 2008:
celu vetu, prosim...

Proposed translations

58 mins

all-trans-retinol/all-trans-retinal ? >

podla toho co hladate? ...tu je rozdiel....

all-trans-retinol = vitamin A
all-trans-retinal = aldehyd odvodeny od vitaminu A, pritomny v ludskom oku, kt. z oka vysle do mozgu signal "vidim svetlo"
Peer comment(s):

agree Rad Graban (X)
34 mins
dakujem, Rad
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Dakujem za vysvetlenie a pomoc."
36 mins



Note added at 38 mins (2008-09-19 13:33:20 GMT)

pol. 188 v dokumente

Note added at 39 mins (2008-09-19 13:34:35 GMT)

text z ref dokumentu: Telo vytvára trans-retinol (vitamín A) z β-karoténu, oranžovej zlúčeniny v mrkve. trans-Retinol sa premieňa na 11-cis-retinal, ktorý sa viaže na proteín opsín a vytvára sa rodopsín. Keď svetlo dopadne na molekuly rodopsínu v sietnici oka, z opsínu sa odštiepi 11-cis-retinal a transformuje sa na all-trans-retinal, ktorý z oka vyšle do mozgu siganál „vidím svetlo“.

Note added at 2 hrs (2008-09-19 15:11:52 GMT)

vzhladom na predchadzajucu otazku a text z ref odkazu

VISUAL CYCLE - The visual cycle is the enzymatic pathway by which all-trans-retinal from photoreceptor bleaching is isomerized to 11-cis-retinal in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) for visual pigment regeneration

pojde o „all-trans-retinal“
Note from asker:
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Reference comments

1 hr

all-trans-retinol/axeroftol (zast.)/vitamín A1.
Viď link str.15.
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