Job closed
This job was closed at Feb 4, 2025 05:48 GMT.

Invitation to Participate in MTPE Survey and Earn a Reward

Vyvesené: Jan 25, 2025 06:19 GMT   (GMT: Jan 25, 2025 06:19)

Job type: Zákazka na preklad/editovanie/korektúru
Service required: MT post-editing

Jazyky: angličtina -> bulharčina, angličtina -> chorvátčina, angličtina -> dánčina, angličtina -> fínčina, angličtina -> holandčina, angličtina -> kórejčina, angličtina -> nemčina, angličtina -> poľština, angličtina -> slovenčina, angličtina -> čeština, angličtina -> švédčina, bengálčina -> rumunčina

Popis zákazky:
With the development of GenAI, machine translation (MT) has become a reality that is closer to our everyday lives. To better understand the current state and future trends of Machine Translation Post-Editing (MTPE) in the translation industry, we have designed a survey and would like to invite you to participate. The purpose of this survey is to gather valuable insights from experienced translators to enhance our services and provide better support in the future.

Why are we inviting you? Your extensive experience and professional insights are invaluable to us. As a seasoned translator, your feedback on MTPE will guide us in optimizing our workflows and tools.

What benefits will you get from completing the survey?
Reward: Upon completing the survey, you will have the chance to receive a reward of up to 100 RMB or 15 USD as a token of appreciation for your time and input. Please note that it is not everyone will get the reward but only the ones that we think their answers value much to us.
Report Sharing: After the survey concludes, we will share the survey report with you, allowing you to stay updated on industry dynamics and trends. Everyone can receive this report.

Survey Submission Deadline: Feb 4th. Your prompt participation will help us gather and analyze the data quickly.

Questionnaire address (the survey may take you 15 min to complete):
[HIDDEN] (if you do this version, please do not take the version on below link. They are the same survey in different languages.)

Payment terms: 31 dni od dátumu faktúry.
Kritériá výberu poskytovateľa služieb (špecifikované vyvesovateľom zákazky):
Členstvo: Nečlenovia môžu podávať ponuky po 12 hodinách
Tematická oblasť: IT (informaèné technológie)
Konečný termín podania ponuky: Feb 4, 2025 05:48 GMT
Termín dodania: Feb 5, 2025 06:18 GMT
O zadávateľovi:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Počet prijatých ponúk: 51 (Job closed)
angličtina -> holandčina:4
angličtina -> fínčina:5
angličtina -> švédčina:4
angličtina -> dánčina:7
angličtina -> poľština:5
angličtina -> chorvátčina:6
angličtina -> bulharčina:5
angličtina -> nemčina:5
angličtina -> slovenčina:3
angličtina -> čeština:3
angličtina -> kórejčina:3
bengálčina -> rumunčina:1