Job closed
This job was closed at Nov 18, 2024 09:19 GMT.

BayanTeck-Speakers for AI engine training

Vyvesené: Nov 18, 2024 08:50 GMT   (GMT: Nov 18, 2024 08:50)

Job type: Potenciálny zákazka
Service required: Checking/editing

Jazyky: angličtina -> dánčina, angličtina -> francúzština, angličtina -> holandčina, angličtina -> nemčina, angličtina -> nórčina, angličtina -> taliančina, angličtina -> švédčina

Popis zákazky:
We are having a new opportunity for a larger volume work in the following languages, general content.

• Norwegian
• Dutch
• Swedish
• Danish
• German (Austria)
• German (Switzerland)
• French (Belgium)
• French (Switzerland)
• Italian (Switzerland)
Go for Sicily Italy

The project is not translation work, we are not looking for translators as such, but speakers proficient in both languages that can assist in reviewing the AI translated content based on instructions provided, working in an online tool, with training provided

The task would be paid hourly.

Our client is looking to engage up to 100 speakers for the task, for about 4 hour work daily, over 2 months period and are currently looking for partner to offer us the necessary capacity for this task, full or partial.

This task is for the vendors that could be proficient speakers of both languages but are not qualified linguists yet or not professional translators, this work will suit students and those who are looking for additional income with flexible hours and are only at the start of their linguistic journey as we do not look for specialized translators for this work.

So, if you are interested, please fill out the following form ASAP so we can proceed further:


Kritériá výberu poskytovateľa služieb (špecifikované vyvesovateľom zákazky):
Členstvo: Nečlenovia môžu podávať ponuky po 12 hodinách
Tematická oblasť: general
Konečný termín podania ponuky: Nov 25, 2024 06:35 GMT
O zadávateľovi:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.9 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Počet prijatých ponúk: 9 (Job closed)
angličtina -> dánčina:1
angličtina -> švédčina:3
angličtina -> nemčina:1
angličtina -> taliančina:2
angličtina -> francúzština:1
angličtina -> holandčina:1