The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

švédčina -> angličtina elektronika / elektrotechnika Translation Glossary

švédčina term angličtina translation
Buntband cable tie(s)
byggnadsövergripande building-wide
byglingssladd jumper cable / link cable
cellindelat compartmentalized (construction)
central Distribution service (room or box, cabinet, enclosure, etc)
central underfördelning central sub-distribution
cirkulationspump circulation pump
cupalbleck Cupal foil (sheet)
Entered by: Tim Kynerd
Dörrsignalanläggning Door entry system / Doorbell system
Entered by: Helen Johnson
DC-meddelande DC-message
debiteringsmätare Billing meter
Entered by: David Rumsey
delad brunn shared neutral conductor
direktstartas started directly in the (supply) grid
diversifierad till diversified to
Entered by: David Rumsey
dragavbrott draught diverter
Entered by: David Rumsey
dragbrunn access chamber (pulling chamber)
Entered by: David Rumsey
dragströmbrytare pull circuit breaker switch
driftel common area electricity
Entered by: Charles Ek
driftsläge operating mode
drifttekniker Control and Maintenance Technician
drossel choke
Dubbel lagrade hålaxelgivare double layered hollow-shaft encoder
dubbel ström dual power supply; dual current
DVGW DVGW approved
effekt capacity
effekt (this time with more context) capacity
effektbelysning effect lighting, accent lighting, impact lighting
effektvakter load controller, load control device, load control
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
efter en reflektiv skarvpunkt som är mekaniska after a reflecting mechanical joint (connector)
el-balkonger electrical trays shelves ducts and ladders
elautomatik electric automation
Entered by: Mats Wiman
elcentral distribution box
Entered by: Mats Wiman
eldelen electric section
eldriftrum electrical (service) room
elkapslingar electrical enclosures
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Elkonstruktör Electrical Designer; Electrical design engineer
elkopplare switch(es)
elmatningsskena power supply rail / busbar
Entered by: Helen Johnson
elsanerad (elsanering) emf mitigation
elskåp electric cabinet
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