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španielčina -> angličtina poézia & literatúra Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
"Trapos al sol" air their dirty laundry in public
'no se daba maña con los zapatos de mujer' he did not have a knack for women's shoes
'sacadas' sakadas
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
(filtrar) avaramente faintly filtered
(hacer) cricrí to chirp
*sus mercedes* your worships
... en cuyo fondo pasaba un río turbulento... the bottom of which flowed a turbulent river...
... sacan al bandujo de apuros ... fill their bellies
...el ambiente que se respiraba y que se podía casi palpar no era común... ... the almost tangible atmosphere (of the place) was not commonplace
...en esta despedida aunque el amor nos une nos separa la vida this farewell, though love unites us, life separates us
...hizo cortar el puente colgante que comunicaba .... she ordered that the hanging bridge connecting Morro and the city be cut
...los bárbaros puñetazos ... vicious swipes
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
...más años que la tos... old as the hills/dirt...
...puede descargar su próximo golpe... the murderer may strike against anyone next
...querida hada terrestre! ... beloved earthly fairy
Entered by: Darko Kolega
...una extaña bienvenida a la presidenta que asumio el pasado... accepted
...y no le das la espalda Y bailan un tango and you do not turn your back on it. And you do the tango for two.
A burro muerto, cebada al rabo closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
a colación de In reference to... Regarding...
a coro aseguraban would chorus
a coro aseguraban would all declare
A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves
A ella le emplazamos To her we call upon!
a flor de labios spontaneous
A fuerza de empellones o golpes learnt at the school of hard knocks/by trial and error/by hook or by crook
a la deriva adrift
a la que pierden los ingleses who is mad for/about Englishmen/ boys/the English / who has a real weakness for/thing about...
a la vuelta de at the top of
a las órdenes de xxx under the command of xxx/under xxx's command
A las ciudades ... se les conoce en el andar. Cities ... can be recognized by their walk.
a lo lejos el relinchar de unos caballos, he heard the neighing of horses in the distance
a lo magnate Croesus-like
a manera de prueba to try them out
A mí no me la das con queso Don\'t try to pull the wool over my eyes!
a medio (leer, tomar) half-(read, drunken, etc.)
A Mirta y a mí nos daba con el cinto he would use his belt on Mirta and me
a mojar en la salsa nuestro pan enjoy the fruits of victory
a paso de carga quickly / hurriedly
a pedal plod along
Entered by: Marie Wilson
a pesar del calor que le transmitía la Mariposa dormida in spite of the warmth of Mariposa asleep
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