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španielčina -> angličtina medicína: farmaká Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
3 cachorros / vez (exposición), 4 ratas lactantes/vez 3 rat pups / each (exposure time), 4 lactating rats /exposure
30'509 cP 30,509.74 cP
Entered by: liz askew
87% pacientes respond. 87 % responder rate
88% de la circulación radioactiva a la hora 88% of radioactive circulation at 1 hour
a degradar for reduction purposes
A esta dosis tóxica para la maternidad at this toxic dose during gestation/pregnancy
a granel/de granel in bulk / of bulk
A juicio del facultativo at the doctor's discretion/At the physician's discretion/based on judgment of doctor/as directed by the physician
a la firma ready to be signed
a lo largo de su evolución clínica over the patient\'s clinical course
a mayor título corresponde una certeza mayor de la presencia the greater the titer the greater the certainty of the presence of Toxoplasmosis
A partir de T 12 meses en adelante From T 12 months on
a poner rigor en to provide a rigorous basis for
A propósito de (nothing in this context)
a razón de with
a sus efectos for all pertinent purposes
a través de la aurícula y ventrículo through the atrium and the ventricle
a un punto que (afecte) to the point where it affects...
A. MED medical ID
abalorio bead
abarquen la curva esperada fall within/below
ablación sustrato arrítmico arrhythmogenic substrate ablation
abstinencia condicionada por cruce de carril crossover conditioned withdrawal
abstinencia pasiva y laberinto de agua “E” passive-withdrawal and apolipoprotein \"E\" water maze test
abuso del indicador deviene enfermizo use of the indicator becomes obsessive
Ac. Es. Essential Oil
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
acción terapéutica mechanism of action
acción terapeutica Therapeutic action
Aceptamos deportivamente que nuestros sentidos se sientan engañados We willingly suspend our disbelief
acetato de uranilo uranyl acetate
acido clorhídrico CIH hydrochloric acid HCl
acomodado orthodox / conventional
Entered by: Emma Goldsmith
acompañado por una tendencia general al aumento en accompanied by an increase in desvenlafaxine concentrations
acondicionado por packaged by
acondicionador packager
Entered by: liz askew
acontecimiento médico de interés (AMI) important medical event (IME)
ACOS (anticonceptivos orales) oral contraceptive pills
acróstico acrostic code
Entered by: liz askew
acredite ante proof of ... before
acta de inspección surveyor's report
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