The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina marketing / prieskum trhu Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
constructo dependiente dependent construct
Entered by: Robert Mavros
Consultoría Analítica de Marketing XXX, Marketing Analysis Firm [Consultants]
Consumo de publicidad advertising consumption
Conteos Sube y Baja boarding and alighting count
contexto publicitario categorial advertising context / background for this category
Entered by: Valeria Verona
continuidad (en este contexto) continuity
contramarcas vouchers
contratando directamente en el hotel buying the "All-Inclusive" package from the hotel
Contrato de Acceso Marco General Access Contract
contrato de refacción industrial y comercial industrial and commercial renovation contract
convergentes con in line with
conversión conversion
Convocatoria Announcement
Corporales Corporates
Corregistros Co-Registrations
cortes ligeramente escalados slightly layered cuts
Cortinajes curtains and drops / hangings
Coste (de) Tarificación metering cost(s)
coyunturas recesivas (economic) recessions
Entered by: BristolTEc
Creación publicitaria (Creation of) product identity
Entered by: Edward Tully
creatividades creatives
creencia normativa normative belief
Entered by: Robert Mavros
cruce de estudios cross-checking of surveys
cuadríptico double gatefold/four-panel brochure
cuantificando los objetivos medibles quantifying measurable goals
cuarto y baño de doméstica Maid's quarters
Cuñas ads
cuentas globales global accounts
cuerpo comercial Commercial Department / Marketing Department
cuesta que pase (Guatemala) is hard to swallow
Entered by: JudyK
cuidar el producto será clave product (here), attention to detail is crucial
cumplimentar yet to be completed/pending completion/of the unfilled quota
Cumplimiento de la foto del éxito por el cliente Customer's required image of success/Customer achieves picture of success
Entered by: Victoria Frazier
Cumplimiento de lo que leyó Versus lo que probó Observance of What you read vs. What you tasted/tested/experienced
cuota de penetración market penetration
curva de descenso downward trend/downward curve
da cuerpo embodies
da escala para seguir creciendo en el mercado [the tool] offers scalability to allow continued growth in the marketplace
dar el visto bueno y permitir give approval and permit
Déjelo en nuestras manos Just leave it to us / We will take care of everything / We will handle it all
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