The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina marketing / prieskum trhu Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
aumentar su plantilla increasing their workforce
ópticos de campaña Campaign objectives
bolsa de transporte transportation market
corte relajado relaxed fit
Director, Adquisicion de talentos Talent Acquisition Manager
dureza (del mercado) harsh market
El valor de la edad the benefit of age
formación de valor creation of value / value creation
fructificar las oportunidades make the most of the opportunities
mono de competición racing suit
pautar las viñetas de campañas outline the key points of the campaigns
resultados obtenidos por los trabajos results achieved for the work carried out
Técnico en Informática de Gestión Management IT Specialist
(agradecemos sus 10 años) de confianza We\'d like to thank you for choosing us /being our guest/ making our first decade a success
(pre)captación (pre)recruitment
*liderando la Práctica de Life Sciences y co-liderando la de Consumo Masivo leading the Life Sciences Practice and co-leading the Massive Consumption one
...causas subsanables... ...subsanación... curable causes / curing
...cede a... y con facultad de cesión a... ...assigns to ... and with rights for assignment to
...desde ya... .. and may I congratulate the authors on their good (or hard) work.
...disminuidas por el deteriorio propio de la serie... due to the typical deterioration of the series
...donde residirá la aplicación objeto de este proyecto Where the application in question will be hosted
...donde se ha estabilizado la serie. ...where growth stabilizes
...muy poco trabajadas... poorly designed
...nuevas enseñas volcadas en la gestión... logos devoted to the management...
1) asentar 2) asentarse 1) wind up / hand off 2) reach agreements with / confer with
15 campañas de Fija en el aire durante el 2005 15 landline package campaigns during 2005
2 horas sobre las horas de entrada/salida establecidas 2 hours earlier/later than usual check-in/check-out times
a interes de on behalf of
a las métricas de experiencia de uso to the parameters of user experience
a parte de con malas contestaciones in addition to their rude manners/having a surly attitude
a partir de un estímulo de marketing in response to a marketing stimulus
A poco que In no time at all
a poco que....aconsejan which needs no more than a befitting of such
a través de la prescripción through the use of/by working through consumer motivators / influencers / buying advisors
aéreos Flyers
año protegido protected year (limiting income for tax purposes)
Abajo el motor. Arriba la gente. engine down, people up
abandonadores lapsed users
Abb. (in this context) ABB
Entered by: liz askew
abombamiento bulge (on top)
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