The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina ¾udské zdroje Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
consagración del "principio de favor" admission of the principle of favor
Consecutivo único del puesto Unique consecutive number/identifier of the post
Entered by: Edward Tully
consejero independiente independent consultant / advisor
Consejo de Dirección Board of Directors
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Consejo de Estado State Council
Consejo de Salarios Salary Board/Council, a group of government, labor and corporate representatives that set wages and salaries
consigna Consignment
consiguiente asignación del grado de valoración del mismo consequent assignment of the degree of appraisal thereof
Entered by: EirTranslations
constancia de supuestos de inamovilidad proof of right to job stability
Constancia salarial Wage verification or verification of wages
constituir (un sindicato) establish
Constituir patronal Create an Employers\' Organization/Association
Consultor en análisis de procesos de trabajo consultant on work process analysis
contacto abierto con las personas approachable attitude to people / approachability (see question for more options)
contexto ambiental climate
contra la presentación on presentation of a ....
contraloría Comptroller General Office
contrata contract (work)
contrata / contratista contractor
Contratación Administrativa de Servicios administrative contract of services
contratación de freelancer para el exterior freelance recruitment for offshore positions
Entered by: Valeria Verona
Contratación, Altas, Bajas recruitment, hiring, dismissals
contratado administrativo under interim administrative contract
contrato de trabajo a término fixed-term employment contract
contrato de trabajo eventual (por circunstancias de la producción) temporary employment contract (depending on production circumstances)
contrato de trabajo suspendido con reserva de puesto de trabajo suspended work contract with the right to return
Contrato Individual Individual Contract
Entered by: Mihaela SERBAN
contrato por necesidad del mercado Market Demand Contract
Contratos de relevo relief contracts (part-time contracts covering hours not worked by semi-retired employees)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
contratos formativos de relevo replacement training contracts
Entered by: EirTranslations
contribución anual de hasta del uno por mil (0,1%) annual contribution up to one per mille (0.1%)
control centrado en objetivos goal-oriented oversight
control de gestion management control
control de personal de campo para el relevo check field staff for change of duty / for changeover
convención colectiva / pacto colectivo collective agreement/collective covenant
conversaciones colectivas collective bargaining
conviniéndose que con la retribución asignada ..... [yes]
convocar la cobertura de una plaza initiate recruitment for/to fill a position or recruit/hire staff for/to fill a position
Entered by: EirTranslations
Convocatoria cerrada/abierta Closed/open invitation
Corporativo corporate
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