The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina potraviny & mliekarstvo Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
cuartino quarter/quartered ham
Cuarto de Perolas the dish pantry - crockery room
Entered by: Mónica Hanlan
cuartos chuleteados lamb quarter chop selection / assorted lamb quarter chops
cubanito cannoli/puff pastry tube (filled with cream etc.)
cucharitas (comida) appetizers
cuerda de guitarra pasta (alla) chitarra / guitar pasta / guitar-cut pasta
cuerpo tubular de pasta tubular paste body
Dachin taro root (dachin)
Dátil acondicionado Boxed/Wrapped dates
DDD Cleaning & Disinfection/Pest Control
de obra / de obra vista (walls) unskimmed / unplastered; (ceilings) unboarded / unpanelled
de su coral of its coral
declarado conforme declared to be in compliance
degustadora sales promotor
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
denominación de venta sales description
denominaciones facultativas alternative descriptions/optional descriptions
depositado deposited into molds (candy)
Desarradora de tripas (intestine) stripper / de-slimer
desastringentado astringency removal
DESCORTEZADORA NEUMÁTICA pneumatic derinding (and skinning) machine
descortezar to trim
Entered by: Edward Tully
desteinado decaffeinated
Destilación propia Made in our own distillery
desvenado deveined
dias piso days sales in inventory
Entered by: patinba
diestearato de hexaglicil hexaglycerol distearate
Entered by: Simon Critchley
Direccion General de Higiene y Seguridad Alimentaria General Directorate of Food Hygiene (or Sanitation) and Safety
doble gas de piñones double pine nut dessert
Dulce de leche Dulce de leche
dulce de leche dulce de leche ( luxurious smooth toffee caramel)
Entered by: Marina Soldati
dulce de membrillo quince paste
durabilidad shelf life
E.S. Extracto Seco (Dry Matter - DM)
Entered by: Simon Bruni
E.S.T. (Mínimo sobre el) Extracto Seco Total / Total Dry Extract (TDE)
efluentes effluents
Egalizadora homogenizer
el equipo de asistencia técnica a la industria the Industry Technical Support Team
el tipo de producto es perecedero a los xx días the type of product is perishable in xx days
Elaboración preparation
elaboración artesanal y laboriosa traditional and thorough process
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