The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina potraviny & mliekarstvo Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
cajas continente container boxes
chuletero loin / chine
en grano granules
inocuidad y disponibilidad harmlessness and availability
Entered by: liz askew
"salteado" de espárragos y gambas shrimp and asparagus sauté
"verduras", "vegetales" and "legumbres" "greens", "vegetables" and "pulses"
'bañeras' bathtubs / baths
(espárrago) triguero green asparagus
100% vegetal entirely of plant origin
24 Tm 24 metric tonnes
4ª y 5ª gama (alimentos) packaged ready-to-eat fresh and prepared foods
7 y 20 horas 7 and 4 o\'clock
Entered by: EirTranslations
a definir con cada cliente to be defined/determined
Entered by: Marcelo González
a la naranja a l\'orange
Entered by: matt robinson
a lo vivo cut the segments free from the membranes
a los cuatro quesos 4 cheese / four-cheese pasta
a pie de planta on factory
a un buen vino, pocas palabras bastan Good wine speaks for itself
a. cesto / cesta / cestillo del pan b. panera a. bread basket b. bread bin / breadbox
Añejo vs. Viejo vintage vs. mature
aún sin aprovechamiento yet to be exploited
aceite de chapiel Chapiel oil
aceite de maravilla sunflower oil
Entered by: Edward Tully
aceite de maria calaba oil
Acesulfame de Potasio Acesulfame K
acta de capacitación Training proceedings
actual y deglosada current and broken down
aflatoxinas aflatoxins
aforo del manantial spring gauging station
agentes retenedores de humedad humectants
agnolottis de ricota ricotta stuffed/filled agnolotti
agregado de aditivos use of additives
Agua de Polen aqueous pollen extract / water extract of pollen
aguas lisas non-carbonated drinks
aguja Fish Pie
Entered by: Justin Peterson
aguja chuck
alcaparras y pepinillos encurtidos pickled capers and gherkins
alcayota alcayota, spaguetti squash
Alfajores Alfajores
alimento balanceado balanced food
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