The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

rumunčina -> angličtina doprava / preprava / expedícia Translation Glossary

rumunčina term angličtina translation
foarfeca de taiat platbanda steel band snips
formarea garniturilor de tren trainset formation
gestionar retur return manager
grad de încărcare cu marfă cargo load factor
Entered by: Simona Pop
iesiri si intrari in si din depozit warehouse goods inwards and outwards; goods into and out of store
Impiegat Dispozitor de Mişcare Chief Traffic Dispatcher
Entered by: Claudia Coja
In regim de camion complet full truckload
in stare de circulatie fit for traffic
incadrare vamala customs duty category
inel de vagon chain coupler
inregistra record
intrari si iesiri incoming / outgoing
jeton de cafea coffee token
la domiciliul fiecaruia each one of their addresses (places)
lama de aer electrical clearance
linia cale tram railway
linie abătută diverging line
linie curentă running line
linie directă main line
manevra shunting / manipulation / switching / maneuvering
manevre gresite mistaken (wrong) manouevre
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
manloc manlock
mecanolizibil machine-readable
motoare diesel de tractiune diesel traction engines
motociclu motocycle
Entered by: Iosif JUHASZ
nota de receptie goods receipt note
oblon spate tailgate
operatiuni de transbordare transshipping operations
panou de cale track panel / rail panel
Entered by: Manuela C.
parc inventar de mijloace de transport vehicle fleet inventory
passenger unit unitate pasager
pat de sortare sorting bed
perfectionare activa inward processing
preorasenesc suburban
Prezentarea trimiterii mail drop
Entered by: Ioana Costache
regională de cale ferată regional railway division
rupand din acostamentul drumului tearing up the shoulder of the road
schimb de ulei oil change
societatea nationala de cai ferate romane Romanian National Railway Company
stâlpi de ghidare lamelari marker posts
Entered by: anamaria bulgariu
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