The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

rumunčina -> angličtina iné Translation Glossary

rumunčina term angličtina translation
un dezvoltat simt estetic a keen sense/eye for beauty
Unde a înțărcat mutu\' iapa in the middle of (freakin') nowhere/at the ends of the earth/at the world's end/at the back of beyond
Entered by: Claudia Coja
urmarire pursuit
vatra satului in the area of the village; within the village limits/boundary
vesta reflectorizanta high visibility vest
vidanjabil drainable
vizita medicala medical exam
VSTD diastolic ventricular septal thickness
\"Educatoare cu studii medii/ absolventa liceu\" VS educatoare cu studii superioar college diploma/certificate or university degree in early childhood education
\'\'functia cu responsabilitate in siguranta circulatiei sofer marfa\'\' for the position of freight driver, a position which carries traffic safety responsibilities
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