The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

rumunčina -> angličtina právo: zmluva(y) Translation Glossary

rumunčina term angličtina translation
documente notariale notarial documents
dol deceit
domiciliat in domiciled in (the) ...
drept de proprietate extratabular unregistered title
drept de retenţie asupra bunului închiriat lien over the leased asset
drept de servitute easement right
dreptul de proprietate fortata si perpetua forced and perpetual property
dupa constituirea garantiei de buna executie after depositing / after posting the performance bond (in the form of a deposit, etc.)
Dupa urmatorul scadentar As per the following schedule/Payable as follows
Entered by: Lara Barnett
echilibru contractulal contractual balance
echilibrul prestaţiilor rebalance the contractual services
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
economia si gestiunea unitatilor de turism si servicii economy and management of tourist and service establishments
efectuare de transferuri lunare making monthly transfers
efectuarea încasării payment collection
Efectuarea in natura a concediului de odihna mandatory annual leave
el he/she
elaborator drafter
eliberarea unui imobil vacate the building/house
emolument emolument
eroare materială clerical error
eroare viciu de consimtamant error vice of consent
esalonat by installments
este in sarcina garantorului (The responsibility) shall lie on the Guarantor
este opozabilă celeilalte părţi enforceable against the other party
evictiune total or partial eviction
evictiune preventiva din fapta sau faptele tertilor preemptive eviction due to third parties’ deed/deeds
exclusive associate asociaţi unici
exclusivitatea desfacerii în Teritoriu a Produselor Product sales exclusivity in the Territory
Entered by: Simona Pop
EXECUTA SILIT SUMA DATORATA enforce the amount owed/debt
exequator exequatur
exercitarea posesiei exercise possession
exigibilitate on its maturity date
EXONERAREA DE RĂSPUNDERE (Art. 1351 – 1354 NCC) exemption from liability [law]
expresie granted for use for the duration of the existence of the building
fals in declaratii si spalare de bani misrepresentation and money laundering
fara a aduce atingere without prejudice to
fără orice altă formalitate prealabilă without any other prior formality being required
Entered by: Simona Pop
fidejusor fidejussor
fiducie trust, fiduciary
filiale branch (office);subsidiary
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