The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugalčina -> angličtina právo: zmluva(y) Translation Glossary

portugalčina term angličtina translation
amortizações fiscais tax write-downs
ampliação da disputa to increase competition (between participants)
analise tributaria tax analysis
análoga emoldurada Please, read below
Anexo que passa a ser parte integrante do presente Contrato The attachment shall form an inseparable part of this contract
antecedência relativamente ao termo do período de vigência em curso received in advance, at least one year before the end of the current effectiveness period
antecipação do início da negociação das Ações em bolsa accelerated start of trading of Shares on the market/exchange
antecipação do cumprimento accelerated performance
Entered by: Mark Robertson
Anticrese antichresis
antiguidade time/length/life of service, effective service
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
antiguidade reportada seniority backdated to
anualidade one-year cycle
anuênio, biênio after X years
anulatórias de assembléia, demolitórias (meeting) nullity suit, demolition suit
anulá-la por ilegalidade de ofício annul it by own motion due to illegality
Entered by: Jorge Rodrigues
ao abrigo deste... bound by this contract/under this contract
ao arrepio de contrarily
ao desempenho da atividade de formador de mercado upon execution of the activity by the market trainer (instructor)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Ao determinar a garantia, ....a seguradora deve arcar de plano com o prejuizo When determing the guaranty, ... the insurance carrier has to completely cover the loss (damages)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
após o conceito de following agreement between
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
após o cumprimento de cada evento gerador de pagamento after fulfilling each payment generating event (condition)..
Entered by: airmailrpl
aplicar o capital em benfeitorias invest capital in improvements
Apostila (ou Apostilla) Recommendatory note, apostil
apostilamento ao contrato annotation to the contract
apresentadas como variantes presented as alternatives
aprovar a estrutura da equipa operacional e nomes; approve the operational team structure and its appointees;
aproveitam (in this contex). that they have no use for such discussions..
Entered by: airmailrpl
apuração da competente concorrência verification of the relevant reconciliation (of credits)
apuração de haveres screening/inventory of assets
aqui chegasse would get to this point...
Entered by: airmailrpl
aquisição registada a seu favor purchase registered in your name
ARI Residency authorisation due to investment activity
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
arque com quaisquer questionamentos (to ensure that AA) is not held accountable/liable for any...
Arsenal storage
as acções podem ser ao portador e nominativas representadas por titulo stocks may be issued as registered certificates and bearer certificates
as garantias bancarias devem ser libertadas a título de caução bank guarantees should be released as collateral
as partes elegem o foro da Justiça Federal the parties agree to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court ...
As partes, reciprocamente, dispensam à outorga uxória The parties, reciprocally, waive their spouse\'s consent
as Soluções the Solutions
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
ascendente ancestor/progenitor/antecedent/parent
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