The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina doprava / preprava / expedícia Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
ralle 20-40 piedi porta container chassis
ramo motore power train
rapporto di irregolarità Property Irregularity Report (P.I.R.)
recupero dell'usura wear take-up
reggiatura strapping
Reggiatura Strapping
Entered by: Sabrina Eskelson
renderizzazione rendering
rese franco Carriage Paid To
Responsabile Sala Operativa Operations Room Manager
responsabilità parcellizzate responsibilities parcelled out
Entered by: EirTranslations
rete di adduzione stradale feeder road network
rete oraria centralised clock system
rete scarica uncongested network
Entered by: ossidiana
reti terrestri overland routes/network
retroportuale dry port
rettifica movimento di prodotti correction/adjustment of product entries
ribalta tailboard
ribobbinnato rewinding (the motor)
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
ricaschi sloped roof panels
Ricette di carico preimpostate preimposed load limits/regulations
ricondizionamenti reconditioning
ricovero deposit
Entered by: EirTranslations
Ricovero locomotore locomotive/train hangar
rigidezze radiali radial stiffness
Entered by: Jasmina Towers
rilancio forwarding
rilevamento assessment / appraisal
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
rilevati di linea embankments (but it could be just "trackbeds")
Entered by: Tom in London
rimanere agli atti / mettere agli atti to be recorded in the official files / to record in the official files
rimorchio spondato sidewall trailer
ripartenza revival
Entered by: EirTranslations
riposteria storage/pantry (cabinet)
ripristino del decoro refurbishing decor
rivendità delle spedizioni espresse re-assignment of express deliveries
rodiggio wheel arrangement
rostro spartineve snow plough attachment
rulli di trascinamento del laminato laminate pull rollers
Entered by: Tom in London
S.A., Enti di Classifica, sicurezza e bandiera the Company, classification societies, security bureaus, and flag administrations
sbancalamento depalletizing
sbordare extend beyond the edge
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