The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina právo (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
surrettiziamente surreptitiously
Entered by: Angie Garbarino
SUSSISTE IL BUON DIRITTO fumus boni juris - appareance of good right
Sussistenza dei requisiti existence of (the) requisites/requirements
sussistenza della giurisdizione italiana (as a section heading) Italian jurisdiction shall prevail (or 'to prevail')
sussistenza di fumus delicti evidence of guilt
Entered by: Heather Phillips
sussumibile may be subsumed (into the category...)
svincoli ferroviari railway waybill/consignment note (v.spiegazioni)
svolgere contraria domanda petition for an opposing claim
svolgimento del rapporto processuale the proceedings
T. U.L. Stup. Consolidated Law on Drugs
t. vigente testo vigente: current text
T.U.L.P.S. Consolidated act of public safety laws
T.V. as amended
Entered by: Thomas Roberts
tabelle vigenti applicable scales
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
Tabulati di Traffico Storico Telematico Computer Activity Records
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
Tale fattispecie può realizzarsi This type of offence may occur
Tali domande non possono trovare ingresso nel presente giudizio such claims are inadmissible in these proceedings
tamquam non esset v.s.
targa di riconoscimento di testo di gradimento identification plaque approved by
tariffa forense lawyers' fee/rates tables
Tariffa Parte Seconda del D.P.R. Article 4 from Part Two of the Presidential Decree
Entered by: EirTranslations
tassativamente e non esemplificativamente include but are not limited to
tavolo di conciliazone talks with creditors, negotiations with creditors
TCG Anno rilascio assolta issue stamp duty/tax paid
TCG assolta State Licence Tax paid
Tecnico del servizio sociale Senior Social Worker
Tecnopatia Occupational disease
teleologico purpose, intent
tempestiva produzione timely exhibition
tempi delle città Urban time plans and policies
tendenza a delinquere tendency to commit crimes
tenere la relazione generale delle attività give a general report on the activities of the year
tentato recapito attempted delivery
tenuità del fatto minor nature of the offence
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
tenuta (record, book) keeping
tenuta giurisdizionale ...would hold up in the courts/a court of law
tenuti a norma di legge maintained in accordance with applicable law
ter ter
Entered by: Emilia Mancini
terdecies terdecies
Entered by: Angela Arnone
Termine a difesa time limit for filing a defence
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