The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina potraviny & mliekarstvo Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
lunghezza dosi impostate brewing ratio
Entered by: Maria Burnett
l\'italiano manzonianamente fiorentineggiante an Italian which drew from Florentine in the style typical of Manzoni
macellatore slaughterer/butcher
macina a pietra naturale natural stone mill grinder / stone mill
macina grossa roller mill
maestro prosciuttaio ham making master craftsman
magatello eye round/round steak
maiale di cinta senese Cinta Senese breed of pig
marna marl
marrone, marrubia e garrone rosso o nero varieties of Chestnuts - Marron, Marrubio, and Red or Black Garron
masconi Vasconi = tanks or pools
massa di cacao cocoa mass/solids
massa montata worked dough
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
massima convenienza best value
massosa thick / dense texture
maturazione acremefitica mephitic maturation
meneghina meneghina (type of Italian sponge cake)
menu a km 0 zero-miles menu
metedo della pirlatura dough rounding
methoxypyrazines methoxypyrazines
mezzana halves (carcass)
Entered by: Angela Monetta
mezzelune al formaggio (Ravioli) Cheese Crescents
Miele e trasformati Honey and Apiculture Products
millesimo 96 a 96 vintage
mini-polivalenti a culla ad alta resa high-throughput small multi-batch cradled vessels
mirtillo nero \"bilberry\", \"whortleberry\" or \"European blueberry
miscelatore a pantalone double shaft mixer
misticanza di verdure mixed vegetables
modello di certificato sanitario model health certificate
molto sentita da noi of great importance for us
Monogliceridi Monoglycerides (monoacylglycerol)
Entered by: Sabrina Eskelson
moralmente sotterraneo of muddy morals
moscardini in umido baby squid in tomato sauce
nell'ambito aziendale within the estate
Entered by: Tom in London
neoprofessionisti newcomers to the profession
Nisina Nisin - a preservative derived from milk.
noci di acagru cashew nuts
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
nominativo e posizione ricoperta in azienda name and position within the firm/company
non ammette devianze must comply with
non sono riportati in prima voce not listed first
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