The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina stavebníctvo / stavebné inžinierstvo Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
a taglio bastardo bastard cut
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
a taglio mezzo dolce second-cut file
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
a tappeto orizzontale with a horizontal lawn
a tavola paid on a drawing by drawing basis
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
a tutt'aria all-air-conditioning system
a tutta sagoma full-profile, full-dimension, in every part, finished construction
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
a tutta sezione full face cutter head
a \"vista\" visible
Entered by: Christiane Klauss
a.c lump sum
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
A.G. (aggregato grosso) coarse aggregate
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
AA.GG./S.T.C general regulations / central technical service
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
abbinamenti posticci mismatched details
Abitazione padronale owner's dwelling
accessori di sollevamento hoisting accessories
acciaio armonico prestressed steel(or music) wire
acciaio superficiale a steel plate on the surface
acciottolati interni /porticati cobbled/cobblestone floors and porticoes/arcades
accoltellata di mattoni edge course; brick course laid on edge
acqua della scala forward slope
acqua sanitaria Domestic water supply
acque bianche rainwater
acque di seconda pioggia rainwater after the first flush
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
acque grigie gray water / graywater / greywater
acque sanitarie bianche e nere waste water and sewage
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
ad anelli a campana modular (precast/prefabricated concrete) rings
ad asse fisso orizzontale con qualifiche di tipo 5G/PF at a horizontal fixed axis with a type 5G/PF qualification
ad un interasse di cm XX at XXcm centres
Entered by: Tom in London
addentellati d'uso Customary Toothing (ADDENTELLATO DI MATTONI)
addetto worker, employee
addetto alla sicurezza safety officer
additivi shotcrete shotcrete additives
Entered by: Graham Clarke
Additivo termofluidificante disareante deaerating thermal fluidity additive
adduzione carrying (in context)
adduzione idrica giardini pubblici equipment for the irrigation for public gardens
adeguamento modernisation
Adeguamento strada S.P. 26 Lago Laudemio Upgrading of Lake Laudemio Provincial Road SP26
Entered by: Tom in London
affidamenti Assignments
Entered by: Ivana UK
Affidatarie esecutrici trustee-executors
affidatario contractor
aggetto facciata principale main facade overhang
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