The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

nemčina -> angličtina psychológia Translation Glossary

nemčina term angličtina translation
Grübelzwang Obsessional Thoughts Or Ruminations
Grundgesamtheit statistical population
Grundstimmung/Grundgestimmtheit general disposition / attitude to life
Gruppenangebote group sessions
gruppentherapeutische Angebote group therapy programs
gutachterliche Situation zusammen mit der Dolmetscherin assessment setting and the use of an interpreter
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
Handlungsplanungskompetenz action-planning ability
Handlungspsychologie psychology of action
handlungstheoretisch action theoretical
häusliche Strukturen daily routines
Entered by: Marcos Zattar
höher, in 89% der Bedarf der Mutter higher - in 89 % of all cases it is the mother's income needs / required income
Heilpraktikerschein complementary health care practitioner certificate
herangetragen confronted
Hilfangebote support/help/counseling services
hochaufgelöstes Design highly granular design, more detailed research, pinpoint research strategy
hochladend having high loading, loaded highly, high-loading
Hochregulation von Traurigkeit upregulation of sadness
hyperwahrnehmend hyperperceptive
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Ich kann weniger in Ruhe und nacheinander Arbeiten erledigen. I'm less able to work uninterrupted and do one thing at a time.
Entered by: Steffen Walter
ich-erleben sense of self
Ich-Umwelt-Grenze ego-environment boundary
Identitätszwang compulsion to identification
im ausgehenden Kindesalter late childhood before the onset of the teenage years
im Folgenden kurz xxx Studie referred to here as ... Study
im Sinne defined as
im Umherziehen peripatetically
Entered by: Astrid Elke Witte
imponieren (hier) to appear
in Abhängigkeit des Ausmaßes an affektiver Erregung auftreten occur depending on/as a result of the intensity of/heightened affective stimulation (stimuli)
in den Zustand des Chaos geraten to be thrown into a state of chaos
Inanspruchnahme leaning on the health care system/appropriate pursuit of information instead of overuse
inhaltliche Denkstörung disorder of thought content
innere Distanz emotional detachment
innere Unruhe agitation, restlessness, anxiety, uneasiness, nervousness
innere Zerrissenheit inner conflict
Insel-Test island test
Inszenierung pose/ posture
interpersonell zugehörig interpersonally engaged
Ja-aber-Spiel Why don't you - Yes, but - game
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
jenseits without, not given to, not motivated by
körperlicher Täuschungen bodily illusions
Entered by: David Rumsey
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