The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

nemčina -> angličtina medicína (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

nemčina term angličtina translation
2. Einstich median-suprasymphysär 2nd stab incision above the symphysis at the median aspect
2. hintere HHL (= zweite hintere Hinterhauptslage) right occipito-posterior position
2500 E als Bolus 2500 U bolus
2a Verbrennung Superficial partial-thickness burns and Deep partial-thickness burns or Burns II A. and II B.
2× oberhalb des Referenzbereiches 2x ULN
3-er Bad 3K bath
Entered by: Bettina Grieser Johns
3-Etagen-Makroangiopathie stage III macroangiopathy
3-fach orientiert oriented times three / oriented to person, place and time
4-Hügel-Zisterne quadrigeminal cistern
4-KB Four-chamber view (4-Kammerblick des Herzens)
Entered by: Ana Krämer
4. Medizinische Abteilung mit Rehabilitation no translation
6 + 6. SSW pregnancy week 6 and 6 days
6-er Segment-Bronchus-Abgang takeoff of the sixth segmental bronchus
8-Zeilen Spiral CT 8-slice spiral CT / 8-row spiral CT scanner
A-/B-Bilder A/B scans
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
A. = Achse (Optometrie) axis (optometry)
a. e. am ehesten - most likely
a. e. most consistent with
A. fem. sup. III sin. distal left (superficial) femoral artery
A. p Angina pectoris
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
A. Urethrastriktur urethral stricture excluded
a.a. ab ano (from the anus)
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
a.d.Anr. from the enrichment (culture)
Entered by: Jessica Klingberg
a.e.i.R most likely associated with
a.p. in the frontal plane / in AP view
a/a anteverted/anteflexed
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
Aa carot comm and V jug int Arteriae carotes communes / Vena jugularis interna
Entered by: roak
Aa vert bds in v2 orthograd orthograde flow profile in V2 segments of both vertebral arteries
Entered by: roak
AA zur work instruction
Ab / Add (Abbreviations in medicine) Abduktion / Adduktion
Entered by: roak
ab der zweiten Lebenswoche infants over one week of age
Abbau und Umbau von Resthirngewebe resorption and reorganization of the remaining brain tissue
Abbaugeschehen degeneration
Abbruch avulsion; break; severance; truncation
Abbruch der umgebenden Strukturen discontinuity of structure
Abd. abdomen
abdeckend occlusive
Abdomen leer plain abdominal radiography
Abdomen leers plain abdominal X-ray [or KUB]
Abdomen weich, kein DS, keine Abwehr abdomen soft, no tenderness, no guarding
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