The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina polygrafia & vydavate¾stvo Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
hors registre out of register
III de couverture IBC = inside back cover
Entered by: Tony M
image à tambour externe External drum imagesetter
image de consigne reference image
Impression de travaux de ville jobbing printing
impression encre gonflante thermographic printing
Entered by: Tony M
Intégra flexibound or flexibind
jeté loose-leaf
joncs cousus sewn-in strip for silicon edge graphics
journal de site in-house newsletter
l'édition définitive the final draft
La complémentarité the (complete) range
Entered by: EirTranslations
la mise au pilon disposal (of overtsock)
Entered by: EirTranslations
large diffusion wide distribution/widely distributed
laseriste laser personalisation (personalization) company (specialist)
léchage (printers) wipe-on (wiping?)
Lézarde River
l’album-photo couleur relié grand format bound, large-format color catalog/album
Entered by: EirTranslations
Le Magazine des Professionnels du Bien-être The Magazine for Wellness Professionals
les arbres et croisés de perforation shafts and alternate/crossed perforation
les bordereaux de sorties exceptionnels exceptional file [or record] retrieval request form
Entered by: Ian Davies
les editions club book club editions
litrage capacity engraving
livre en noir broché format poche (black) softbound paperback book
Entered by: EirTranslations
livre semi-poche trade paperback
livres reliés intégra flexible hardcover books
l\'emetteur du b/c buyer
Entered by: Jenn Mercer
Maître d’œuvre Prime contractor
maison d’édition de sérigraphies silkscreen publisher
Entered by: Ben Lenthall
margeurs machine feeders
masque de mise en page (page layout) template
masques d'impression print masks
Entered by: liz askew
matériel de papeterie stationery
Merci à XXX d’en harmoniser les compositions Thanks to XXX for his harmonious settings/compositions
mini-reportage advertorial/article
mise au net fine-tuning/tweaking/finalisation
mise sous élastique Rubber/Elastic banding
mises sous plis stuffing
Entered by: Neil Rear
mode diffusion diffusion fashion lines
monographie d'auteur author's monograph
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
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